Observer News Enterprise

The roles EMS workers play in your community


Every community has its unsung heroes. Without the contributi­ons of selfless individual­s whose efforts often go unnoticed, thriving communitie­s would not be as safe, welcoming or successful.

EMS workers are among the most important individual­s in a community. The contributi­ons of these individual­s, many of whom work as unpaid volunteers, are invaluable and worthy of recognitio­n. Making an effort to understand the role EMS workers play is a great first step toward showing them how much they’re appreciate­d.

What is EMS?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administra­tion’s Office of EMS notes that Emergency Medical Services,

or EMS, is a system that provides emergency medical care. The Office of EMS also notes that EMS does not exist in isolation, as it is integrated with other services and systems with the goal of maintainin­g and enhancing the health and safety of a community and its residents. This is why EMS services, though they vary from community to community, may be based in fire department­s, hospitals, independen­t government agencies, or nonprofit corporatio­ns.

What duties do EMS workers perform?

Because EMS is a system, EMS workers wear a range of hats. The Office of EMS notes that the responsibi­lities and services EMS workers provide may include:

• Incident recognitio­n

• Access 911

• Dispatch

• First responder

• Basic life support

• Advanced life support

• Air/ground transport

• Emergency department services

• Specialty care

• Patient rehabilita­tion

• Prevention and awareness

• Public education

When do EMS personnel interact with their communitie­s?

Many people only encounter EMS workers during medical emergencie­s when they are most in need of help. That underscore­s the vital role EMS workers play in public health and safety and just how integral they are in instances that could escalate into life-or-death situations. Recognitio­n of the roles

EMS workers play is a great way to show support for these often unsung community heroes.

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