Numismatic News

One Grading Service Outranks the Other

- By Richard Giedroyc

There has always been some difference in pricing depending on the third-party certificat­ion service that has encapsulat­ed a particular coin in an identical grade as is assigned to another like coin examined by a competing service. This is due in part to the popularity of one service over another. One service may have a different standard for a grade than may another service. One service may take eye appeal into considerat­ion, while another service may not. One service may be more consistent with the grades it assigns than may be another service. The services are always competitiv­e. They are businesses and, being a business, each needs to be aware of their competitio­n and the services offered by that competitio­n. Recently it has become increasing­ly apparent that the pricing assigned by dealers to coins of one well recognized service rather than of another likely equally recognized service is widening. It is challengin­g to compare the coins of different services to see where this is justified and where it is not; however, this pricing differenti­al continues to expand, as has the number of popular third-party services. One thing that should be taken into considerat­ion that appears to be lost in the shuffle is that these services first authentica­te, then offer a suggested grade for your coins. Fortunatel­y, there is no widespread problem with authentica­tion, but authentica­tion is just as paramount as is examining a coin for problems, wear and artificial enhancemen­t prior to assigning a grade. Eye appeal is always going to be in the eye of the beholder, but beware of irrational exuberance becoming baked into the price you are willing to pay for a coin encapsulat­ed by one third-party service rather than that of another service.

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