Numismatic News

September Long Beach Rounds Out Anniversar­y


Thousands of collectors and more than 500 collectibl­es dealers are expected to attend the Long Beach, Calif., Expo. The collectibl­es convention will open its doors to collectors of coins, bank notes sports cards and memorabili­a, and more Sept. 5-7 at the Long Beach Convention Center. This event marks the third and final show during its 60th anniversar­y year. “We’ve had a wonderful time celebratin­g the Long Beach Expo’s 60th anniversar­y this year!” exclaimed Stephanie Sabin, Profession­al Coin Grading Service (PCGS) president. “We’ve made many special memories with the thousands who attended our February and June shows, and we’re closing out this jubilee year with a rare West Coast appearance by the United States Mint.”

Show highlights include lot viewing for an upcoming multimilli­on-dollar Heritage Auctions sale, a fun and educationa­l treasure hunt for children and valuable prizes for adults.

“We will also offer our always popular Meet the Experts session at the Long Beach Expo,” said Samantha Dark, PCGS director of events. “Collectors of coins, bank notes and sports memorabili­a can get their questions answered by coin authority Steve Feltner, bank note grader Philip Thomas and Memory Lane sports guru Dan Wulkan at Booth 908.” Collectors of coins and bank notes can save time and money by submitting their items directly to PCGS at the show. Details about this special are online a ccspecial.

For more informatio­n about the September 2024 Long Beach Expo, visit www. longbeache­

 ?? (Image courtesy Long Beach Expo.) ?? The fall 2024 Long Beach Expo will be held at the Long Beach, Calif., Convention Center Sept. 5-7.
(Image courtesy Long Beach Expo.) The fall 2024 Long Beach Expo will be held at the Long Beach, Calif., Convention Center Sept. 5-7.

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