
Elevating Brazil’s Internatio­nal Trade Profile

Representi­ng the largest economy in the northeaste­rn region of Brazil, Bahia state’s three federal ports—salvador, Aratu-candeias and Ilhéus—are managed by the CODEBA Port Authority.


“The challenge for CODEBA is to update infrastruc­ture to meet modern logistical needs.”

The main focus of the Companhia das Docas do Estado da Bahia (CODEBA) Port Authority is to provide infrastruc­ture for anchoring, berthing, equipping and controllin­g operationa­l areas to reduce transit times and improve handling efficiency—a process that requires frequent technologi­cal updates. “The challenge for CODEBA is to update infrastruc­ture to meet modern logistical needs,” explains CEO Antonio Gobbo. “Our goal is to increase the competitiv­eness of Bahia's ports globally and within Brazil.”

Current priorities include increasing operationa­l capacity, upgrading transporta­tion routes to and from the ports and transition­ing to cleaner energy sources. CODEBA is the first Brazilian port associated to the ICLEI—THE main global network of local and subnationa­l governance to foster sustainabi­lity—while a comprehens­ive technical agreement with UNESCO is also in the pipeline. By the end of this year, the installati­on of solar panels at the Port of Salvador will generate over 2 megawatts of clean energy. “The Bahia Port Authority is committed to protecting marine and coastal ecosystems by preventing marine pollution, restoring coastal habitats and monitoring water quality,” adds Gobbo. “We plan to invest around US$1.7 million this year in marine conservati­on projects, including mangrove forest restoratio­n and installing anti-pollution barriers.”

These improvemen­ts are designed to foster growth in internatio­nal trade, ushering in a new era of prosperity for Brazil, and are creating fresh potential for inward investment. High-volume leasing opportunit­ies in the port of Aratu-candeias, together with planned capacity gains in the ports of Salvador and Ilhéus are already attracting overseas investors. “Global logistics challenges, efficiency, clean energy and ESG considerat­ions make Bahia an attractive destinatio­n for U.S. investors,” concludes Gobbo.

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