New York Post

Kamedian mocks Don deport bid


WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris dismissed former President Donald Trump’s pledge to massdeport illegal immigrants Wednesday — mockingly asking how he planned to accomplish that goal.

“They have pledged to carry out the largest deportatio­n — a mass deportatio­n — in American history. Imagine what that would look like and what that would be,” the Democratic nominee told the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus.

“How’s that going to happen? Massive raids, massive detention camps?” she asked in an incredulou­s tone. “What are they talking about?”

Trump has repeatedly pledged to carry out the largest-ever deportatio­n operation after recordsett­ing illegal US-Mexico border crossings under President Biden.

Polling shows that the idea has majority support among voters ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

A Scripps News/Ipsos poll released Wednesday found that 54% of Americans “strongly” or “somewhat” support the mass deportatio­n of illegal immigrants, while 43% are opposed.

A CBS News/YouGov survey released in June found that 53% of Hispanic registered voters favor expelling all undocument­ed immigrants and 50% support the constructi­on of federal holding facilities to house them before deportatio­n.

‘Out of touch’

“Kamala Harris is out of touch,” said Trump campaign rep Karoline Leavitt. “Americans want our laws enforced while Kamala wants an open border that causes crime and housing prices to rise at the expense of hardworkin­g taxpayers.”

Biden put Harris in charge of reducing illegal immigratio­n in March 2021, but illicit border crossings instead surged.

The VP said Wednesday she would resume a push for “an earned pathway to citizenshi­p” for people living in the US illegally.

 ?? ?? SAY WHAT? Vice President Kamala Harris at a Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus summit Wednesday.
SAY WHAT? Vice President Kamala Harris at a Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus summit Wednesday.

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