New York Post

Glam suit vs. boss

‘Hit on & insulted’


A sexy Manhattan anesthesio­logist, whose adventures include jaunts to Dubai and hobnobbing at parties with “Baywatch” star Pamela Anderson, claims her boss demeaned her as an “ingrate” and hit on her.

Randa Jaafar, 44, who regales her more than 70,000 Instagram followers with her jet-setting lifestyle, began working for NY Spine and Sport Rehabilita­tion founder Sireen Gopa in 2016 as an anesthesio­logist and pain-management doctor raking in $240,000 annually.

‘Underpaid, insulted’

She was underpaid, insulted and propositio­ned by her Bronx boss, her Manhattan federal court genderdisc­rimination suit alleges.

Gopal awarded her “best costume” at an October 2018 “sexy lingerie” party, telling her the prize “was spending the night in [his] apartment (which was an invitation to have sex with Dr. Gopal),” she said in court papers.

She rejected his propositio­n and accused him of making “abusive” remarks and “criticizin­g her for having a lot of male followers” on Instagram.

He allegedly berated the former Cornell University fellow, saying, “Your Ivy League education is not impressive”Go do something that has actual meaning as a real doctor and then we can talk” and “Right now you are an Instagram trigger point chiropract­or Dr . . . . when you become a real doctor we can talk.”

Jaafar, seeking unspecifie­d damages, claims the discrimina­tion began after she complained she hadn’t been properly paid, and was dealing with staff and supply shortages. She claims Gopal had cut her share of the revenue she brought in from 50% to 40%.

Jaafar said she was forced to quit in December 2021.

Gopal denied the allegation­s and said Jaafar filed the suit only because he brought her to court for opening her own business two blocks from his.

 ?? ?? NUMBED: Jet-setting Randa Jaafar, Instagram’s favorite anesthesio­logist, is now suing her Bronx boss.
NUMBED: Jet-setting Randa Jaafar, Instagram’s favorite anesthesio­logist, is now suing her Bronx boss.

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