New York Post


- Angela Barbuti, Wires


The northern town of Monfalcone banned the game of cricket and set a $100 fine for those caught playing.

Nearly a third of the town’s foreign-born population hail from Bangladesh, where cricket is the national sport, so many are looking at the ruling as symbolizin­g the tension between native Italians and Bangladesh­i residents.

“They’ve given nothing to this city, to our community. Zero,” said the town’s mayor, Anna Maria Cisint. “They are free to go and play cricket anywhere else . . . outside of Monfalcone.”


A Japanese royal made history as the first male to reach adulthood in close to four decades.

Prince Hisahito, whose family has ruled for more than a millennium, turned 18 on Friday.

Hisahito, a high school student, is second in line to the throne, since his uncle, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, only has a daughter, who cannot rule under the Imperial Household Law.


A small group of Mexico City residents who call themselves the “Tree Army” are defending the city’s timber.

The group’s founder, Arturo Hernández, launched the group in May after followers complained about trees being vandalized.

The community-minded crew speaks out about illegal tree cutting, removes concrete from the roots of trees and also plants trees in areas they were needed.


Easdale Island hosted The World Stone Skimming Championsh­ips this weekend.

The contest, which began in 1997, welcomed 350 competitor­s from five continents and 27 countries and 1,000 spectators.

Its official rulebook states that “all stones must be of naturally formed Easdale slate,” and “the stone must bounce on the surface of the water no less than two times.”


A 3,000-year-old military fort was discovered in northern Egypt.

Archeologi­sts were excavating a site in Housh Eissa when they revealed the ancient structure, filled with food, weapons and personal items such as jewelry.

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