New York Post


Joe’s 532 days away – 40% of term

- By RICH CALDER and STEVEN NELSON in Wilmington, Del.

President Biden spends almost as much time on R&R as he does running the country.

The 81-year-old commanderi­n-chief has racked up 532 vacation days in less than four years — or 40% of the 1, 326 days he’s been in office.

It would take the average American — who gets 11 days a year of vacation — approximat­ely 48 years to accumulate that number of days off, according to the shocking data compiled by the Republican National Committee.

“The image of Biden fast asleep and lying flat on his back in his chair at the beach while America and the world is on fire will define the Biden presidency,” said Mark Paoletta, the general counsel of the White House budget office under former President Donald Trump.

“Inflation has been out of control; prices still way too high; our border overrun with millions of illegal aliens committing violent crimes on our citizens; the world in a perilous state; and all Biden wants to do is go on vacation and check out — for more than 530 days,” he said.

The RNC noted that last Saturday’s fun in the sun for Biden in Rehoboth Beach, Del., marked his “16th straight day on vacation.”

Pouting in private

Speculatio­n has swirled that Biden has been keeping an even lower public profile since late July because he’s annoyed with fellow Democrats, such as former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who turned against him and strongarme­d him into not seeking reelection.

The Post’s front-page report last year noted that Biden had spent all or part of 382 of the first 957 days of his presidency on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America’s most idle president.

Biden’s 40% out-of-office ratio far surpasses that of Trump, who spent 26% of his presidency on personal trips out of Washington — 381 of his 1,461 days in office.

More than 6x Carter

Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama vacationed for just 11% of their two-term presidenci­es — and workhorse Jimmy Carter took only 79 days’ worth of breaks, accounting for 5% of his single term in office.

Meanwhile Saturday, Biden had lunch at Fieldstone Golf Club in New Castle County, Del., with former Pennsylvan­ia Sen.Ted Kaufman.

Presidenti­al aides repeatedly claim Biden, like past presidents, works remotely and remains on call when on break — even though he’s been snapped on more than one occasion snoozing on Rehoboth Beach.

Rep. Nicole Malliotaki­s (R-Staten Island) quipped that Biden should do Americans a favor — by taking more, not less, time off.

“We probably would have been better off if he did even less and went on vacation more,” she said.

“Sadly, he repealed President Trump’s border policies, lifted sanctions on Iran that enriched them, and implemente­d antienergy policies that drove up the cost gas, food and utility bills. If he just left things alone, things would be better.”

White House representa­tive Andrew Bates responded: “It’s not a surprise that the same geniuses who attack President Biden for petting hero dogs and liking ice cream can’t count, but he has taken fewer vacation days than the modern average for presidents and works hard every day, wherever he is.”

 ?? ?? REHOBOTH BEACH BUM: President Biden and First Lady Jill last weekend — at the time it was 16 days into his latest getaway.
REHOBOTH BEACH BUM: President Biden and First Lady Jill last weekend — at the time it was 16 days into his latest getaway.

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