New York Post

Baby shot over $100

7-mo.-old hit in 'drug debt' act


The horrid, caught-on-camera shooting of a 7-month-old baby in Philadelph­ia was sparked by a mere $100 drug debt, according to cops.

Dominique Billips, 28, was arrested a day after footage showed a woman opening fire on the infant and his parents outside a home, shouting, “F--k your baby, bitch!” as the teen mom screamed in horror.

“Sometimes the things we see are mind-boggling,” Lt. Dennis Rosenbaum told a press conference, according to USA Today.

“You knew they had a stroller, what makes you walk up to someone with a stroller and shoot them?” Rosenbaum asked of the “very disturbing” attack.

When cops arrived to investigat­e reports of the shooting Thursday, the victims had already left.

They only realized a baby had been shot in the leg when the family turned up at a local hospital — and then told officers that the shocking violence stemmed from a $100 “narcotics debt,” the police spokespers­on said.

“The mother and father . . . left the location because of fear from police because of outstandin­g warrants,” Rosenbaum said.

The baby’s father is thought to have been the gunwoman’s target — and the mother and baby “just got wrapped up into it,” Rosenbaum said.

“You see in that video, she really points the gun at the mother of the baby, who’s also a juvenile, and fires. Luckily, she missed,” Rosenbaum said.

“A 7-month-old baby isn’t going to remember that, but it’s always going to be out there. That story’s always going to be out there,” Rosenbaum said of the baby, who has since been discharged from the hospital.

 ?? ?? HORRIFIC: YouTube video shows Dominique Billips squeeze off a shot that struck a 7-month-old on a Philadelph­ia street. Billips (inset) was arrested by cops, who said it was over a $100 drug debt.
HORRIFIC: YouTube video shows Dominique Billips squeeze off a shot that struck a 7-month-old on a Philadelph­ia street. Billips (inset) was arrested by cops, who said it was over a $100 drug debt.

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