New York Post


Unspoken agenda to wave ’em all in

- TODD BENSMAN By JOE MARINO, AMANDA WOODS and MATT TROUTMAN Additional reporting by Craig McCarthy and Deshania Andrews

NO matter what she might spin now that she is the Democratic Party’s heir apparent, Kamala Harris made her views on immigratio­n clear many times: complete open borders.

During a Senate confirmati­on hearing of President Trump’s nominee to lead Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t, Ronald Vitiello, she legitimize­d leftist militant narratives in accusing the agency of racism.

“Certain communitie­s saw ICE as comparable to the Ku Klux Klan for administer­ing its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidati­on, particular­ly among immigrants and specifical­ly among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America,” Harris accused.

Harris told MSNBC in 2019 that the United States should “probably think about starting from scratch” on enforcing immigratio­n laws, while a spokespers­on for Harris said the senator was weighing “a complete overhaul of the agency, mission, culture, operations.”

None of this could be said to be opportunis­tic, either.

Back in 2015, while serving as California’s attorney general, Harris told KCBS-TV in LA that “An undocument­ed immigrant is not a criminal. I know what a criminal looks like who’s committing a crime. An undocument­ed immigrant is not a criminal.”

In fact, illegally crossing the southern border is a federal misdemeano­r punishable by up to six months in prison for a first offense and more time with subsequent violations.

She was one of the candidates who raised a hand at another debate when asked if she supported decriminal­izing illegal crossings.

In a 2019 interview with National Public Radio, candidate Harris expressed a willingnes­s to declare all illegal border crossers refugees from unconfirma­ble claimed political violence, even if that meant ignoring the law, despite well-known reporting that millions let inside on such claims run and disappear into the nation’s permanent illegal immigrant population.

“I disagree with any policy that would turn America’s back on people who are fleeing harm. I frankly believe that it is contrary to everything that we have symbolical­ly and actually said we stand for,” she said. “And so, I would not enforce a law [emphasis added] that would reject people and turn them away without giving them a fair and due process to determine if we should give them asylum and refuge.”

She has no answer

Harris’ presidenti­al campaign website took a page from Antifa and BLM ideology handbooks about dismantlin­g immigratio­n enforcemen­t, declaring her belief that “we must fundamenta­lly overhaul our immigratio­n enforcemen­t policies and practices — they are cruel and out of control. She promised to “increase oversight” of agencies like the US Border Patrol once she commands the agency.

Expect claims from Harris supporters that, well this was a primary campaign intended to appeal to the party base. She didn’t really mean any of it.

Harris kept her feelings close to the vest after becoming vice president but repeatedly lied and obfuscated on whether a mass migration crisis was underway at the southern border for years, refusing to visit it and, when she finally did under pressure, staying indoors in controlled environmen­ts with the TV cameras.

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent some illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard to make a political point in September 2022, Harris was quoted insisting the administra­tion’s policies had “closed” the border when hundreds of thousands had just crossed in.

Local TV quoted one of the Martha Vineyard immigrants refuting the vice president’s absurd claim. “It’s open, not closed. The border is open,” the gentleman responded when asked about Harris’ claim that it was closed.

“Everybody believes the border is open. It’s open because . . . we entered! We come in. Free. No problem.”

As vice president, Harris has regularly blamed “root causes” and “climate change” for the vast influx that began right after she and Biden took office and implemente­d an extremist vision from the burning streets of blue cities.

Immigratio­n was all so very “complex,” Harris explained during a state visit to Central America to get the strategy up and running.

So complex that Harris’ answer to it is . . . nothing.

Whatever Democratic Party nominee might float about her plans for border security over the next four months, American voters who disagree with what she and Biden did at the border should know that, in her case, past definitely is prologue.

Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigratio­n Studies, is the author of “Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History.”

Surveillan­ce video shows a suspected gunman in the deadly, potentiall­y Tren de Aragua ganglinked shooting Sunday outside a Brooklyn migrant shelter.

The cellphone-toting man seen in footage released by the NYPD late Monday is the shooter who hopped off a moped outside 29 Ryerson St. and popped off shots, police said.

“They shot from the bike and kept going,” a migrant who witnessed the late Sunday shooting told The Post.

The shooting is connected to nearby gunplay that evening in Steuben Park that left a homeless man dead, cops said.

Both bullet-ridden, bloody crimes are being investigat­ed as a potential bloody turf war between the vicious Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua and former members battling over control of drugs and prostituti­on, law-enforcemen­t sources told The Post.

“We are still investigat­ing if this was connected to a gang,” Mayor Adams said Tuesday, when asked by The Post.

“That is still unclear at this moment, but we are on top of it.

We’re not going to allow a gang to take a foothold here.”

The Sunday shooting outside the Ryerson Street shelter left Enny DeJesus Urbina Mendez — a 21-year-old Venezuelan national — dead and left an as-yet-unidentifi­ed 59-year-old man clinging to life with a gunshot to his head, cops said.

Arturo José Rodriguez-Marcano,

a 30-year-old homeless man, died in the nearby Steuben Park shooting.

Park victim

Police identified Mendez and Rodriguez-Marcano as the victims late Monday.

A man stopped a blue sedan outside Steuben Park near Flushing

and Steuben streets, jumped out and unleashed gunfire that killed Rodriguez-Marcano, sources said.

About five minutes later, the sedan drove past 29 Ryerson St., while the two men on the scooter stopped, according to sources.

A man hopped off the scooter’s back, opened fire then jumped back onto the moped.

The scooter’s escape was brief. Video shared on Instagram shows the aftermath of a crash at Park Avenue and Taaffe Place, where the scooter and a car collided.

The scooter’s driver was injured and arrested, while his passenger — the suspected shooter — ran off and remains in the wind, along with the sedan gunman,

the sources said.

Locals in Clinton Hill have been up in arms over migrant shelters, including the one on Ryerson Street in the normally sleepy neighborho­od. A protest over the shootings was planned for Tuesday at 6 p.m.

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 ?? ?? WANTED: Police have released an image of a suspect (far left) in the shooting Sunday outside a migrant shelter in Brooklyn, which they believe is tied to another killing of a homeless man in a nearby park.
WANTED: Police have released an image of a suspect (far left) in the shooting Sunday outside a migrant shelter in Brooklyn, which they believe is tied to another killing of a homeless man in a nearby park.

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