New York Post

Unleashing Dem Chaos: Joe’s Campaign Bug-Out

THE ISSUE: President Biden’s announceme­nt that he will not be accepting the Democratic nomination.


The Democrats just exposed themselves again (“The end,” July 22).

While pushing Biden to resign, none of them had a plan of what to do if he did. They are running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

By the way, who is making the decisions? Rep. Nancy Pelosi, former President Barack Obama, etc.? Who is the “president” of the Democratic Party? Nobody seems to know what to do.

Should it be Vice President Kamala Harris? Who else?

If you plan to make a change, you must have a follow-up plan in place. Clearly, the Democrats don’t even now how to work together.

Brian Keane


I can’t understand how all of these highly educated individual­s were trying to convince the masses our president was sharp as a tack over the past year.

Do they all think American citizens are so dumb they can’t see the truth?

Biden didn’t deserve to be hoodwinked into believing he could still run the country.

All those around him — staff, politician­s, family, the media — should be ashamed of their behavior. Unlike former President Lyndon Johnson, who recognized reality, they all preached a false narrative, allowing our country and our president to be a laughingst­ock, just so they can maintain power.

This is not democracy; it’s voodoo politics.

D. Ricciardi


It’s tempting to call Biden the ultimate “cheap fake.”

However, he was a very “expensive fake” for cities dealing with illegal immigrants,

taxpayers funding war, not peace, in Ukraine and those who are stuck paying for student debt because he shifted the burden to non-students. David Bryant Easton, Conn.

Biden, upon his decision to exit the 2024 race said in his letter: “I believe it is in the best interest of the party and the country for me to stand down.”

Notice he put party first, country second — as has always been the case with the Democratic Party.

Thoughtful leadership would have had him state that it was in the best interest of the country alone.

Then again, Biden has never been right on any issue at any time, and for the Dems, it’s about winning and power alone.

Tom DeFazio Spring Lake Heights, NJ

On the afternoon of June 27, Democrats were fully united in supporting Biden. By the end of the night, they were not.

After much handwringi­ng and teethgnash­ing, the president has stepped aside.

Democrats now find themselves without a candidate and no playbook

on how to get one.

While this is totally their own doing, it does not erase the fact that they need to decide on a candidate prior to the convention. An open convention would be a disaster, and having it in Chicago is not a good omen. Peter Kelly

Hazlet, NJ

Biden’s bugout is the most egregious bait-andswitch to have occurred in our history. The only reason he quit is that the donor class refused to pony up for such a pathetic loser.

The ship has deserted the sinking rat. The only thing that democracy has to fear is the Democratic Party itself. You can’t make this stuff up.

James Evans Worcester, Mass.

Democrats and their media enablers tried every dirty trick in the book to prevent Donald Trump from running for president, only to fail miserably.

How ironic, then, that the only president they succeeded in stopping was Biden. In the words of the late Jackie Gleason: “How sweet it is.” Gerald Jacobs Boca Raton, Fla.

Now that Biden is a lame duck and has nothing to lose, you want to bet he pardons Hunter before he leaves office? And, by the way, calling Joe a “lame duck” is an insult to ducks.

Barry Koppel Kew Gardens Hills

Gentleman Joe has stepped down. We wish that so would Vladimir Putin and XI Jinping. Robert Tarnay Palmetto, Fla.

 ?? ?? President Biden
President Biden

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