New York Post

UK tourist a ‘bit’ daft

Quick pic in London draws horse nibble


A King’s Guard horse bit down on a tourist’s arm so hard she fainted, drawing a large crowd and police response to the Household Cavalry Museum in London over the weekend.

Footage uploaded to YouTube by the account Buska In The Park on Saturday captured the woman being aggressive­ly bitten by the massive animal, which was stationed outside the central London museum.

Numerous tourists in the clip are standing within feet of the King’s Guard horse posing for snapshots before the woman enters the frame wearing an oversized Pink Floyd T-shirt, sunglasses and a baseball hat.

When the woman approaches the animal, appearing to try to quickly slide in to take a photograph, she immediatel­y is bitten.

She cries out in pain and hurriedly scurries away to her companions, who rush to examine her arm.

The woman can then be seen kneeling over as another tourist attempts to clean her wound.

“She got a really bad injury,” the man behind the camera can be heard saying. In another clip, she can be seen on the ground — appearing to have fainted — as a member of her group fans her.

The animal attempted to nip several tourists before chopping down on the woman. Tourists continue posing with the horse as the cameraman runs off and alerts police officers.

Three officers surround the victim and ask questions, but it was not clear if they provided any additional care for her.

Despite a warning sign next to where the King’s Guard is stationed, which reads, “BEWARE: Horses may kick or bite. Do not touch the reins. Thank you,” the guards have long been a popular attraction for tourists.

 ?? ?? YOU WERE WARNED: A tourist hollers as a King’s Guard horse nibbles her arm — under a sign warning that “horses may kick or bite.”
YOU WERE WARNED: A tourist hollers as a King’s Guard horse nibbles her arm — under a sign warning that “horses may kick or bite.”

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