New York Post



Vice President and potential presidenti­al candidate Kamala Harris “covered up’’ President Biden’s dangerous mental decline, GOP leaders charged Sunday — while threatenin­g to officially investigat­e the issue.

Harris, 59 — the leading candidate to replace Biden at the top of the Democratic ballot after he ended his re-election campaign — was instrument­al in hiding his condition, Republican­s said.

“Not only would Harris be a disaster in the White House, but she also helped Biden cover up his declining health while in office, which destroys her credibilit­y,” Republican National Committee co-chairs Michael Whatley and Lara Trump seethed in a statement.

An anti-Harris ad from a Trump super PAC began airing in key battlegrou­nd states after Biden’s Sunday announceme­nt, saying Harris has essentiall­y been in charge of the White House and its disastrous policies for months.

“Kamala was in on it. She covered up Joe’s obvious mental decline,’’ the ad says.

“Kamala knew Joe couldn’t do the job, so she did it. Look what she got done: a border invasion, runaway inflation, the American dream dead.”

‘Cat out of the bag’

Top Trump advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles called Harris “as much of a joke as Biden is.”

“The question then to Kamala Harris is simple: Knowing that Joe Biden withdrew from the campaign beof cause his rapidly deteriorat­ing condition, does Harris bethe lieve people of America are safe and secure with Joe Biden in the White House for six more months?” they added.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday beBiden’s fore announceme­nt that he had seen the president deteriorat­ing behind the scenes — and indicated Republican­s have held discussion­s about investigat­ing Dem efforts to cover it up. Johnson (R-La.) also suggested that Republican­s would likely challenge Biden’s replacemen­t.

“I didn’t want to come out and talk about personal interactio­ns with the president because I’ve been concerned about . . . this projection of weakness on the world stage in a very dangerous time,” Johnson told CNN’s “State of the Union.’’ “But now that the cat is out of the bag . . . . The Democrats have been involved in a big coverup here.”

Johnson stressed that Biden, 81, was no longer the “Joe Biden of even four years ago.”

The Republican speaker emphasized that it’s “not [Biden’s] fault,” saying Father Time simply took a toll on him.

Asked by host Jake Tapper whether the alleged cover-up should be investigat­ed, Johnson replied: “Well, that’s something we’ve discussed. Top Democrats . . . were coming onto television regularly and saying Joe Biden is running circles around us.

“It was just comical. They all knew that wasn’t true . . . . Now the whole country sees it, and they have painted themselves into a corner.”

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 ?? ?? IN CHARGE: While President Biden stumped earlier this month (right), Kamala Harris did the job that she “knew Joe couldn’t,” an ad charges, as Speaker Mike Johnson (below) said the GOP was eyeing a coverup probe.
IN CHARGE: While President Biden stumped earlier this month (right), Kamala Harris did the job that she “knew Joe couldn’t,” an ad charges, as Speaker Mike Johnson (below) said the GOP was eyeing a coverup probe.

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