New York Post


Tracy Tutor dishes on all the Josh Altman and Josh Flagg drama of ‘Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles’

- By SAMANTHA NUNGESSER Samantha Nungesser is a Features Creator at

HIGH interest rates and mansion taxes aren’t the only things causing drama in the new season of “Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles,” which has found Tracy Tutor stuck between two Joshes.

Tensions between the two men were explained in the Season 15 premiere when Josh Flagg accused Josh Altman of hijacking a $15 million listing after they both went on the appointmen­t together the year prior. However, Altman claimed that the owner only wanted him to sell the property — and that he simply “forgot” to let Flagg know.

“It’s a tough season for them. I’m sort of in between both of them, helping them navigate it,” Tutor said, noting that she doesn’t see a full reconcilia­tion on the horizon “any time soon.”

Tutor recently visited DECIDER’s offices, where she talked about the pressure of being a successful agent, needing to relive the end of her relationsh­ip and giving Flagg a B- rating on his “Days of Our Lives” performanc­e. Check out the full interview below.

DECIDER: You say that everyone expects everything you touch to break records. How do you deal with that kind of pressure?

TRACY TUTOR: The pressure is real. We just came off a couple of really great years in the business where we were killing it and the market was super hot and strong, so things were happening for us. And now the tables have turned, and we have to work seven times harder to achieve the same goals and so it’s a lot of work, a lot of hours for a little bit less pay.

You and Flagg seem to be in a much better place this year. What “crazy efforts” did he make to repair your friendship?

After we took a little bit of a break, we came back in January and he just started trying to repair the friendship and coming over and making efforts with my daughter Juliet. And so I can’t hold it against him forever. I love him too much.

You gave Flagg a solid B- for his “Days of Our Lives” performanc­e. As a former actress, what tips do you have for him?

Learn your lines. I’m pretty certain there was a prompter behind him to make sure that he was okay. But I do think he really went into Yuri deeply, so I thought he was great.

I do want to get your thoughts on the Flagg v. Altman drama. Was Altman wrong for listing the property that he initially intended to co-list with Flagg?

Watching all of that play out, obviously, you hear [Flagg’s] version of the story and then you hear Altman’s version of the story, and I also went on that listing appointmen­t a year and a half ago, but I didn’t go on it with either of them. So, respectful­ly, to Altman, the mistake that he truly made was not picking up the phone and pretending to not remember that they went on it together. I do understand his position, though. He does work really hard.

What do you think of Altman telling Flagg in this week’s episode that their friendship is one-sided?

That was probably pretty tough to hear for Flagg, because I do believe that Flagg adores Altman and loves him. They’re going through a rough patch and Altman can kick in the gut sometimes. He can be a little bit below the belt. I’m not sure if it’s 100% one-sided, but I do think that [Flagg], again, gets a little bit of tunnel vision. I think, respectful­ly, he could probably make bigger efforts to see his family more, spend time and not just make it about him.

Heather Altman is taking on more of an on-screen role this season. Were you happy that audiences would get to see what a boss she really is?

She’s always been a boss. It’s about time that everyone gets to see her in that role because she’s not only a boss at the job, she’s a boss mom. She’s an incredible wife. And she looks damn good, too.

In the trailer, we see your struggles with Erik. Is it possible to prepare yourself to relive the end of your relationsh­ip on the show?

No, I’m not looking forward to that episode. I keep trying to figure out when it’s coming. Because I haven’t seen it. So I know that in the moment, when I was living it, I was like, I’m just going to be as vulnerable as possible because I’ve been there before and I’ve sort of withheld. And I felt like it was cathartic. I don’t know if watching it back will feel cathartic. I think it’s going to be tough for Erik and I, but in the moment, I’m really glad that I did it, because I got to kind of talk through a lot of things on camera and share a lot of things that typically I wouldn’t have.

 ?? ?? Tracy Tutor (center) with “MDLLA” co-stars Josh Flagg (left) and Josh Altman (right)
Tracy Tutor (center) with “MDLLA” co-stars Josh Flagg (left) and Josh Altman (right)
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