New York Post

The NEA’s anti-Israel, pro-Palestine 2018.’ activism goes back to at least

- Bethany Mandel is the co-author of “Stolen Youth” and a homeschool­ing mother of six. Nicole Neily is the president and founder of Parents Defending Education.

educators, in order to further the reach of their extreme views nationwide.

Educators for Palestine may be radical, but it isn’t fringe: It has real sway within the influentia­l union.

In February, the NEA’s board of directors issued a demand for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas — and Educators for Palestine took the credit.

“Educators for Palestine had everything to do with NEA releasing this statement,” the group posted on its Instagram page.

President Biden had been scheduled to speak at the conference on Sunday to energize this critical Democratic constituen­cy on the heels of his shaky debate performanc­e — but abruptly canceled Friday, as the union grappled with a strike called by its own staffers.

Also: Any Biden show of labor solidarity could’ve blown up in his face, because the NEA, egged on by Educators for Palestine, may be poised to un-endorse him.

The group’s first action when it launched publicly in January 2024 was to tweet out a petition encouragin­g the NEA to revoke its endorsemen­t of President Biden until teachers have found allies not just in pro-Palestinia­n circles, but in pro-terror ones as well.

The NEA’s anti-Israel, pro-Palestine activism goes back to at least 2018, although it’s received scant press coverage.

In 2022, for example, a proposed business item called on the NEA “to educate members and the general public about the history, culture, and struggles of Palestinia­ns, including the detention and abuse of children in the Occupied Palestinia­n Territory.”

The 2022 conference ended before the item received a vote, but that’s unlikely to happen this year.

With 10 anti-Israel business items on the docket, the sheer number of initiative­s — as well as the repetition of topics — means passage of at least some of them seems inevitable.

And while these activists will first be radicalizi­ng educators, America’s schoolchil­dren are the true targets in their crosshairs.

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