New York Post

They Hate America, Too


In their Independen­ce Day rally in Washington Square Park, pro-Hamas radicals made it plain: They don’t just hate Israel, but also America — so why do the White House and so much of the Democratic Party keep struggling to appease them?

A group of 100 or so, part of “Flood Manhattan for July 4th,” gleefully burned American flags, chanting “Burn it down!” and “Free free free Palestine,” as keffiyeh-clad photograph­ers moved in close to document their anti-patriotism.

A guy in a Yankees hat tried to reason with the goons, but video shows him quickly shouted down by a man in glasses who gleefully cheers “F - - k Israel! F - - k America! Woohoo!” as other protesters giggle in approval.

Philadelph­ia, where the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce was written and ratified, and Chicago saw similar ugly demonstrat­ions.

It was shameful — and self-revealing. They hate America and all that it stands for; it’s why they despise Israel, too. Yet all too many Democrats aren’t pushing back.

President Biden wants these radicals’ votes, so he soft-pedals any condemnati­on of “pro-Palestinia­n” protests: After antisemiti­c keffiyeh-clad thugs assaulted Jews outside Congregati­on Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles last month, Biden issued a mild “I’m appalled” condemnati­on.

And his Justice Department has declined to act against the Palestinia­n Youth Movement, Code Pink and other antisemiti­c groups that have targeted Jews and synagogues for harassment and violence. Instead, Jews are told to use back entrances at their houses of worship, warned not to wear anything ID’ing them as Jews or advised to hide when the rabid antisemite­s are out for blood.

It’s staggering that Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-Bx.) and Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) are such outliers in their party, gentiles confrontin­g the Jew-haters.

All Americans — of every faith and party affiliatio­n — should be standing up. That includes Biden and his coming replacemen­t: If the Democratic nominee plays the same games as the president, it’ll be one more reason for the voters to deal the party a crushing defeat in November.

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