New York Post

Biden’s Cognitive Decline: Too Obvious To Ignore


Nobody, including the left-leaning media, “suddenly realized” that President Biden has suffered a disastrous decline in mental acuity (“Media suddenly realizes Biden is addled,” July 3).

They knew it all along and helped lead the charge to cover it up until it became too obvious.

Just imagine if Biden were a Republican: They would’ve hounded him out of office. But being a Democrat, Biden got a free pass and unwavering support, until it all collapsed like a house of cards. Max Wisotsky

Highland Park, NJ

The New York Times has brazenly bragged through the years with its catchy masthead that it runs “all the news that’s fit to print.”

However, in recent years, there has been at least one major exception to that journalist­ic slogan: That would, of course, be Biden’s greatly diminished mental capacities.

Finally, the Times decided that this was news fit to print after everyone became keenly aware of Biden’s increasing­ly declining faculties. Hardly a brave or prescient move.

Frank Brady, Yonkers

The media have been in bed with the Democratic Party, covering up for this babbling fool of a president for more than four years.

Now, after the American people have seen with their own eyes how the debate went, there is no way for them to cover for this disaster of a presidency. Dan Gardner

Staten Island

Many journalist­s made the recent discovery that President Biden has signs of cognitive decline.

Beginning during the 2020 election, it was obvious to those with eyes that then-candidate Biden was being hidden and protected.

Yet the media refused to investigat­e this or any further sheltering of Biden for four more years. The media must be held accountabl­e for this malpractic­e.

Ralph LaMagna


I think most people paying attention knew Biden was not well.

The Democrats and progressiv­es in the media hid it from the American people. Winning an election is more important to them then the well-being of America.

Let’s get Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg on this. I’m sure he could come up with a few felony charges for true election interferen­ce. Bruce Collins Middletown, NJ

 ?? ?? President Biden
President Biden

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