New York Post


Atty's rip gov't's 'anti-sex' case The company has had a fall from grace since 2018, when more than 35,000 people attended its in-person events, it was endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop website and Daedone delivered a viral speech at a Tedx conference e


The feds are looking to put people “in prison for funsies” by prosecutin­g the two glamorous leaders of embattled “sexual wellness” empire OneTaste, their lawyer claimed Wednesday.

“I would say the government is trying to criminaliz­e sex. That is what this case is about,” said Duncan Levin, who represents the company’s head of sales Rachel Cherwitz, after a hearing in Brooklyn federal court.

Cherwitz and the company’s founder Nicole Daedone are slated for trial in January on charges that they operated OneTaste like a cult by grooming members into having sex with investors and clients, while driving the members into debt. Both women have been charged with conspiracy to commit forced labor and face up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

The pair were in court for a hearing in which their lawyers argued that the case should be thrown out for what they claimed is “misconduct” by the feds, including an FBI agent allegedly ordering a key witness to delete her email account.

But prosecutor­s, calling the defense’s claims “baseless,” responded in court papers that the agent in question was simply trying to protect the witness from harassment she’d received from other OneTaste members, rather than destroy evidence.

‘Orgasmic meditation’

Daedone and Cherwitz were flanked in court by around a dozen followers of their California-based company, also known as the Institute of OM or Eros, which is currently offering its orgasm meditation classes out of a Harlem office, according to a spokespers­on.

The “orgasmic meditation” treatment, in which a group of women have their genitals stroked methodical­ly for 15 minutes, “is a transforma­tive practice that heals maladies ranging from sexual dysfunctio­n and trauma to depression and anxiety,” its website boasts.

Lawyers for Daedone and Cherwitz sounded off against the case again to reporters after the hourlong hearing, claiming that the feds charged the women using a unique interpreta­tion of the “conspiracy to commit forced labor” law.

‘Targeting women’

“This is just [the Eastern District of New York] trying to be creative, and the courts have said it’s not your job to be creative and see if you can put someone in prison for funsies and that’s really what they’re doing here,” said Jennifer Bonjean, who represents Daedone.

Bonjean, who is best known for defending Bill Cosby and R. Kelly on charges involving sexual misconduct, also claimed Wednesday that the feds are “targeting women, frankly, which is an interestin­g flip on the #MeToo,” despite the fact that prosecutor­s built their case on the word of at least one woman who told the FBI she was coerced into sexual acts.

 ?? ?? PRISONERS OF LOVE? Nicole Daedone (left) and Rachel Cherwitz enter Brooklyn federal court for a hearing in a case in which prosecutor­s say they conspired to commit forced labor.
PRISONERS OF LOVE? Nicole Daedone (left) and Rachel Cherwitz enter Brooklyn federal court for a hearing in a case in which prosecutor­s say they conspired to commit forced labor.

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