New York Post

Logan Dubil

‘Gen Z men are leaning conservati­ve’


Growing up, Logan Dubil defaulted to his friends’ and his family’s left-leaning politics.

“I definitely aligned with liberal ideology,” the 23-year-old (left) said. “I was introduced to those values by my friends and online, and it seemed to be the popular thing, so I just decided to go along with that.”

Dubil — who was raised in Pennsylvan­ia, where his father supported Bernie Sanders — first began to question the left-wing views he inherited after the 2016 election.

“After Trump won, I started to do more research because I saw that a lot of people were either really upset or really excited about it, and I wanted to understand why,” said Dubil, who is studying marketing at Point Park University.

“I started doing my own research, and I realized I was actually on the right,” he recalled.

After looking into the pro-life position, Dubil realized he was not actually pro-choice. He also says he woke up to gender ideology, which turned him off from the left: “It’s basically being shoved down your throat, and a lot of people are getting fed up with it.”

In the years since, he’s become a vocal Republican and often shares his views on social media — and it’s caused a rift in his family.

“My dad always lectures me about how he doesn’t agree with where I stand,” Dubil said. “Some extended family members have even blocked me on social media. I’m really big on family, so it’s sad to see that people who disagree with me are willing to cut me out of their lives just because of a political disagreeme­nt.” Nonetheles­s, Dubil is standing firm. Although he supported Ron DeSantis in the Republican primary, he is now throwing his support behind Trump — and he expects many of his peers will do the same.

“I have a lot of friends who had the same experience,” he said. “Gen Z men are leaning conservati­ve, and I think that will continue, especially since a lot of political commentato­rs on the right are doing a really good job of reaching them on social media.”

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