New York Post

Israelis blow up terrorist arms man

- Olivia Land, Wires

Israel pounded multiple targets in Lebanon on Saturday, killing a prominent Hamas weapons supplier as the military probed the killing of a Jewish man in the West Bank in what is now believed to have been a terrorist act.

Ayman Ghatma, who supplied weapons to both Hamas and the Egyptian terrorist group alJama’a al-Islamiyya, was targeted while driving near Khiara, the Israel Defense Forces said.

The military released grainy black-and-white footage that shows a moving vehicle being pinpointed before it appears to be smoldering on the side of a road.

Israel also carried out strikes on “Hamas military infrastruc­ture sites” around Gaza City on Saturday, the IDF said.

The Hamas-run media office claimed that at least 42 people, including 24 at the Al-Shati refugee camp, were killed. Video footage shows homes and walls reduced to rubble and dust covering the streets after the strikes.

On Saturday evening, the IDF announced that several Hezbollah operatives and sites linked to the group had been struck in southern Lebanon. Footage of the strikes shows the military targeting buildings in the Eyta alSha’ab, Yaron and Ramyeh areas.

Also Saturday evening, Houthi rebels claimed to have attacked both the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea and the Transworld Navigator cargo ship in the Arabian Sea, the Times of Israel said. The group did not clarify when the alleged attacks took place, but said the Eisenhower attack achieved its objectives, without elaboratin­g.

On Saturday morning, an Israeli was shot dead in Qalqilya, a Palestinia­n town in the West Bank.

The Jewish man in his 60s was in his vehicle, which was later set on fire, the Times of Israel reported.

He was transferre­d by Palestinia­n Red Crescent medics to an Israeli ambulance, where he died.

It is unclear what he was doing in Qalqilya, which is controlled by the Palestinia­n Authority and therefore off-limits to Israelis.

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