New York Post

Biden’s Executive Disorder: Pure Chaos at the Border


Surely no one believes President Biden’s recent border policy is really a reversal or that it will have any effect in solving the border crisis (“Joe’s Border Joke,” Editorial, June 10).

The situation at the border is a policy goal of this administra­tion, so it’s folly to think they would change that.

One of the worst consequenc­es of the border policy is its devastatin­g effect on people crossing the border.

Millions are not only trafficked by this system, but taken advantage of by their dislocatio­n. Sadly, many will have to be shipped back to their countries. That is necessary for the sake of the lives of Americans and the preservati­on of our nation. Elizabeth Hinesley

Delray Beach, Fla.

While the leaders of our country are suddenly pretending to address the illegal immigratio­n problem at the southern border, thousands of migrants are beginning to stream across our northern border through Canada. Someone better keep an eye on that growing phenomenon as well. Ed Quinlan New Hyde Park

With millions coming across our border in the last three years, many of them military-aged men, I am sure there is a temptation to conscript them into the United States’ armed forces.

That would be a mistake. I would urge that Congress pass laws that would bar noncitizen­s from joining the US military in any form. Michael A. Pacer Kingman, Ariz.

Biden has not been honest since he took office. Why would anyone think this “limit” was real? He knows that the next step is to give work permits to migrants, depriving citizens of potential employment.

November can’t come fast enough.

Pete Vardakis Morris Plains, NJ

 ?? Breeden Media LLC ?? Migrants crossing border into Calif.
Breeden Media LLC Migrants crossing border into Calif.

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