New York Post


Zack Wickham has been stirring the pot since moving from Kentucky to ‘The Valley’


WHEN “The Valley” star Zack Wickham decided to leave Kentucky, he knew he was going to move to one of two places: New York City or Los Angeles. As fate would have it, his best friend, Brittany Cartwright, met a man who would make the decision easy: “Vanderpump Rules” star Jax Taylor. As Cartwright made the move to follow the man who would later become her husband to the City of Angels, Wickham had to follow. “Obviously, ‘Vanderpump Rules’ became my world,” said Wickham. “Some of my “The Valley” cast members and I used to call ourselves, The Adjacents.” Wickham explained: “If you look closely, you can spot us in the background at parties and other gatherings because these are our friends.” When “The Valley” came about, the move in front of the cameras felt “almost natural” for Wickham. “Cameras have been around me for eight years,” he explained. However, he admits that to have the focus now be on him and his friendship­s feels a “bit surreal.” The strained relationsh­ip between Wickham and former friend Janet Caperna has been the source of drama for most of the season, both on and off screen. The distressin­g claims Caperna has made against Wickham and costar Kristen Doute have shocked fans. However, anyone who has spent more than 30 seconds with Wickham has to know that the allegation­s are false. “Janet and I definitely need to have a conversati­on when the time is right,” said Wickham.

“I hope our relationsh­ip will be peeled back in Season 2.”

Wickham’s friendship with Cartwright has never been stronger. After her very public separation from Taylor, Wickham has been right by her side. “Ever since Brittany and Jax separated, I’ve never seen her be so herself, maybe even a better version of herself,” said Wickham. “She finally put her foot down.” Fans especially have rallied around Cartwright after Taylor accused her of drinking herself sick while on Caperna’s baby moon in Big Bear. “I’ve been here through it all,” said Wickham. “I’ve never been happier for her, and I’ve never seen her happier.”

DECIDER spoke with Wickham over Zoom to discuss the season so far, his plans for merch (“The first thing has to be ‘petty with a purpose’”) and his genius prank that sent Caperna spiraling.

DECIDER: How does it feel to relive all the messy events of “The Valley” Season 1 as it airs?


It’s crazy to relive everything almost a year later. It is. I never knew what other people were filming. So, I would take them at their word and talk about whatever it is oncamera. All of a sudden, I see what they filmed and I am thinking, “That’s not exactly what you told me you said, so now I’m confused.” It’s been wild to dig things up that were resolved to a point and relive them. I never thought I would be so affected, but I just have to roll with it.

After the kind of claim Janet made about you and Kristen, it feels like there’s no going back for the friendship.

There’s a lot more to the situation than just her social post. Janet and I definitely need to have a conversati­on when the time is right. I hope our relationsh­ip will be peeled back in Season 2.

Do you think your friendship is mendable?

My friendship with Janet has always had ups and downs. I think it is mendable, but that is a two-way street. So, I can mend my side of the road, but can she mend hers?

Brittany seems to be thriving with a little space. Have you been able to support her during her separation?

There are two versions of Brittany: the Brittany I’ve known my whole life, and the Brittany she’s been for the past eight years with Jax. When I moved here, I saw the old version of Brittany fade away as her relationsh­ip with Jax intensifie­d. When somebody you love is in a relationsh­ip or marriage, you just support the person. I learned that lesson early on. There were times when I wanted to say something, but I knew she needed me to step back and say, “Whatever your decision is, I’m here to support you.” Ever since Brittany and Jax separated, I’ve never seen her be so herself, maybe even a better version of herself. I’ve never seen her stand her ground before when it came to Jax. She’s thriving. She’s already grown so much.

This interview has been condensed for space. To read the full conversati­on with Zack Wickham, head over to “The Valley” airs Tuesday nights on Bravo at 9/8c.

 ?? ?? Zack stars in the breakout Bravo reality hit “The Valley”
Zack stars in the breakout Bravo reality hit “The Valley”
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