New York Post

Dems’ ‘Oh my God’ moment

Biden polling has party in panic


President Biden’s consistent­ly poor polling is triggering panic among Democratic operatives with little more than five months to go before his likely election rematch against Donald Trump.

The outlook has grown so dire, Politico reported Tuesday, that one adviser to major party donors has been circulatin­g a running tally of nearly two dozen reasons why the incumbent is in trouble — including his age, frustratio­n over immigratio­n and inflation and the unpopulari­ty of Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Donors ask me on an hourly basis about what I think,” the adviser said, adding that it’s “so much easier to show them, so while they read it, I can pour a drink.

“The list of why we ‘could’ win is so small, I don’t even need to keep the list on my phone,” the insider added.

“You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying ‘We’re doomed,’ or ‘The campaign’s bad’ or ‘Biden’s making mistakes.’ Nobody wants to be that guy,” the Democratic operative in close touch with the White House said, explaining why the president’s allies are putting on a brave face while privately having a “freakout” about election stakes.

“This isn’t, ‘Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president,’ ” they added. “It’s ‘Oh my God, the democracy might end.’ ”

Losing war-chest edge

In addition to polls showing Trump, 77, leading Biden, 81, in the battlegrou­nd states that will likely decide the presidency, the 45th president is also catching up in the money race.

In April, the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee outraised the Biden campaign and the Democrats by $25 million — including a record $50.5 million cash grab from an April 6 event in Palm Beach.

The money gap triggered an urgent appeal from Democratic Massachuse­tts Gov. Maura Healey when Biden visited Boston for two fundraiser­s last week.

“To those of you who opened up your wallets, thank you,” Healey told the donors. “We’d like you to open them up a little bit more and to find more patriots — more patriots who believe in this country, who recognize and understand the challenge presented at this time.”

“New York Democrats need to wake up,” said Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine. “The number of people in New York, including people of color that I come across who are saying positive things about Trump, is alarming.

“I’m worried it’s going to be a 2022 situation, where everyone wakes up in the last seven weeks and has to scramble.”

“The election is more competitiv­e than it should be, given the wretchedne­ss of who Donald Trump is,” added South Bronx Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres. “In a properly functionin­g democracy, Donald Trump should have no viable path to the presidency. The fact of a competitiv­e race is cause for concern.”

The Biden campaign, meanwhile, dismissed Trump’s recent events in New York and New Jersey as “photo ops and p.r. stunts.”

 ?? ?? READY TO STUMBLE: One party insider keeps a list of reasons why Biden faces trouble i n November.
READY TO STUMBLE: One party insider keeps a list of reasons why Biden faces trouble i n November.

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