New York Post

Chaos in Slovakia

Anti-US premier is shot in crowd


Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and injured during a broad-daylight assassinat­ion attempt while greeting supporters in his country on Wednesday.

Fico underwent surgery and was no longer in critical condition hours later, officials confirmed — as frightenin­g footage emerged of the moment a gunman fired five shots outside a cultural center in the town of Handlová.

The clip showed Fico, 59, acknowledg­ing supporters on the street when a man in a white shirt lunged across the crowd with a pistol pointed at the leader.

Grim footage

Amid gunfire, the wounded prime minister lurched backward, then police and security agents tackled a gunman to the ground, the footage circulatin­g on social media showed.

Fico was hit by at least two bullets — with one striking him in the stomach.

After more than 3¹/₂ hours of surgery, Deputy Prime Minister Tomáš Taraba told the BBC that Fico “is expected to survive.”

“As far as I know the operation went well,” Taraba said. “He’s not in a life-threatenin­g situation at this moment.”

Slovakia’s interior minister, Matúš Šutaj-Eštok, said the shooting was “politicall­y motivated” after the country’s recent presidenti­al election.

Fico’s official Facebook page called the shooting an assassinat­ion attempt.

Taraba added the prime minister was “heavily injured,” but the speed of the emergency response helped save his life.

It was initially unclear whether Fico would survive. Hours after the shooting, official reports from Šutaj-Eštok described Fico as being in “extraordin­arily serious” condition and “fighting for his life.”

Separate footage from the scene showed a man thought to be the shooter being tackled to the ground and cuffed.

Another clip showed the seriously wounded Fico being carried away by his security detail and loaded into a black government car, which then sped off.

Pro-Russia platform

A staunch conservati­ve, Fico was elected to his third term as prime minister in September after campaignin­g with a pro-Russian and anti-American stance.

In Slovakia, the prime minister is the most powerful office. Numerous demonstrat­ions have been staged in the capital Bratislava against Fico’s policies since his election.

Despite the tensions, Fico’s opponents in government condemned the shooting and even canceled a planned protest after the attack.

“We absolutely and strongly condemn violence and today’s shooting of Premier Robert Fico,” progressiv­e Slovakia politician Michal Simecka said.

“At the same time, we call on all politician­s to refrain from any expression­s and steps which could contribute to further increasing the tension,” he added.

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 ?? ?? NOT FATAL: Prime Minister Robert Fico (above and inset) was shot allegedly by the bloodied man below.
NOT FATAL: Prime Minister Robert Fico (above and inset) was shot allegedly by the bloodied man below.

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