New York Post

Stef raps NY Dem on elex interferen­ce

- Josh Christenso­n

House Republican conference chairwoman Elise Stefanik went after Manhattan and Brooklyn Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman Wednesday for dismissing the severity of criminal prosecutio­ns against former President Donald Trump that could damage his re-election effort.

Stefanik (R-NY) attacked Goldman during a subcommitt­ee hearing on the weaponizat­ion of the federal government for ignoring past “election interferen­ce” attempts by Democrats.

“Let me tell you what is really election interferen­ce: withholdin­g military aid to an ally in the middle of a war in order to coerce and extort a foreign government to investigat­e a political opponent,” Goldman began.

“All the Republican majority is trying to do here today is lawfare, is interfere in ongoing criminal investigat­ions that our system is perfectly well-equipped to handle,” he concluded.

“Oh, I love being able to respond to the novice from New York,” Stefanik shot back. “First of all, thank you so much for stating the obvious that political lawfare is in fact election interferen­ce. That’s what we’re seeing with the sham Alvin Bragg trial.

“Thank you also to the novice freshman member from New York highlighti­ng that withholdin­g military aid to an ally for a political purpose just like Joe Biden is doing to Israel,” she mocked. “Always grateful for you stepping in.”

Last week, the Biden administra­tion paused military aid to Israel on the condition that it hold off on an invasion of Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas in Gaza, as the president faces pressure from Muslim and Arab-American voters.

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