New York Post

Rent Control for the Rich


Ashady bill quietly pushed by progressiv­e state Sen. Liz Krueger and Assemblywo­man Linda Rosenthal offers rent control for the rich — under the pretense of protecting middle-class New Yorkers.

It applies to roughly 100 co-op buildings across the city that sit on land someone else owns; typically, such “ground leases” are renegotiat­ed every 20 to 30 years.

The bill would retroactiv­ely rewrite those contracts to limit how much that land’s rent can increase, guarantee lease renewals and give the overall co-op the right to interfere if the land owner opts to sell the parcel.

All to the benefit of well-off Manhattani­tes whose Upper East and West Side apartments would easily sell for millions.

Krueger and Rosenthal represent the city’s highest concentrat­ion of wealthy co-op owners — who, by no accident, are the bill’s driving force.

In a bid to win progressiv­e votes, they claim their bill is modeled on the progressiv­e Good Cause Eviction measure — which plainly aims to protect working-class folks, not the well-off.

Critics say the proposal won’t pass court muster, as it violates the Constituti­on’s Contracts and Takings clauses; maybe so.

But if it passes, it’s yet another message that the Legislatur­e is happy to tear up private contracts by changing the terms of agreement, merely to benefit a few wealthy political insiders — and thereby warn anyone thinking of doing business in New York to find some less-hostile environmen­t.

That alone would make it veto-bait for Gov. Hochul; wiser heads in the Legislatur­e’s leadership should kill it first.

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