New York Post

Psaki’s Damning Advice


Former White House flack Jen Psaki has a brilliant new media strategy for the embattled prez for the last leg of his reelection campaign: No more actual contact with the press! “My view is he should come on ‘The View’ before he does a press conference,” said Psaki — on “The View,” natch.

But in a sense, she’s dead right. Biden can barely manage to string five words together, stand upright for extended periods of time or avoid yet another humiliatin­g wander-off. And even when he does keep it together, he comes off as unfocused, clipped and frail.

Plus, he may well stray into Crazy Town, as happened when he implied his uncle was shot down as an airman in World War II and then eaten by cannibals. Or when he riffed on racism dominating Japan and India.

A guy with a mind coming apart at the seams like that has zero business facing the real press corps. And with Joe, that’s true even though a huge chunk of the media would be happy to spit-polish his wingtips.

Imagine how dire things are looking internally for Dems that one of the national party’s top surrogates is now openly admitting Biden is past it, so must face no curveballs or fastballs. Softballs only, please, preferably underhand.

Another plus is the natural affinity between morning-show pap and Biden policy. Both are muddled, both traffic in platitudes rather than reality and both play to the emotions of labile and poorly informed Democrats.

So what if the idea utterly reeks of open contempt for America’s voters — you know, the people Biden swore to defend and protect.

The only downside, of course, is that Biden’s policies and rhetoric — on everything from the border to gender extremism to Israel’s war against Hamas — are so bad that not even a sycophanti­c coven of cackling lefty wine grandmoms like “The View” hosts can make them palatable.

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