New York Post



This wasn’t quite the action he was hoping for on a first date.

A Queens Romeo and his date wound up with guns in their faces during a violent carjacking — before he joined cops in a wild chase of his $150,000 BMW.

“It felt like I was in GTA [Grand Theft Auto], man,” Joseph Sadykov, 23, told The Post. “I was literally NYPD for one night. I was searching and hunting and we found those motherf--kers, man.”

Sadykov and a lady friend had just wrapped up a “great date” at a “hot spot” Midtown restaurant Tuesday when he said they decided to take “a little nap” in the back of his BMW to sleep off some drinks before heading home — but a trio of thieves interrupte­d the sleepy couple at around 3 a.m.

“I was doing the right thing, but it backfired on me because I didn’t lock the doors.” Sadykov said. “I woke up to being dragged out of the car by my sweater. Imagine you wake up to being dragged out of your car by your sweater.”

The goons stuck a pistol in his face, demanding he fork over the thousands of dollars in jewelry he had donned for the big night out, he said.

“I was on my knees when I got pistol-whipped in the head, in the back of the head twice and top of the head once,” he said. “I’m a big boy but yeah, I got some bumps on my head.”

Blinged out

Meanwhile, his date split — fleeing to a nearby bakery to call her dad for rescue, breaking a few nails in the scuffle — as Sadykov tried to fend for himself.

He complied and handed over the bling — a necklace worth $8,000 and a bracelet worth $7,000 — writing off the loss in his head as chump change, he said.

“I did that today and barely broke a sweat,” said Sadykov, a cash-advance and term-loans broker — but the thieves upped the ante when they climbed into his expensive M5 Competitio­n.

“I thought they were going to drive off in the piece of s--t car they came in and that’s it, my night is good, but that’s not how it worked out,” he said. “Then one guy jumped in my car. At that point I was like ‘OK, now this is for real.’

“That got me pissed. I charged at him and started punching the f--k out of him, I was trying to destroy him and get him out,” Sadykov said. “He kept saying ‘I’ll shoot, man, I’ll shoot you, I’ll shoot you’. I didn’t really give a f--k at that point, I just said ‘Go ahead then, go ahead.’

“At that point it was one versus one, not one versus three, and he knew I was overpoweri­ng him, so what did he do? He called his boy who was in the hooptie car for backup. His boy came out of that car, the one they arrived in, and they overpower me.”

“In order to avoid me chasing them, what do they do? They take my car,” Sadykov said, explaining his attackers were all wearing ski masks and speaking to each other in Spanish.

But the pricey ride was equipped with a GPS tracking device linked straight to an app on his phone that the thieves failed to swipe.

“I told a police officer right away, I said, ‘These guys who stole my car are heading to The Bronx, let’s go.’ I was in the back of the cop car. The cop jumped onto the highway straight away, chasing them like his car had been stolen.”

‘Massive’ response

The chase led them to the Major Deegan Expressway and soon involved a massive police response, he said. When the crook in the BMW saw he was cornered, he tried to make a U-turn into traffic but stopped and bailed out of the car instead, according to Sadykov.

“He bounced,” Sadykov said. “When I saw him start running, guess what I did? Me and the cops all started running after him.

“But man, when your freedom’s on the line, you become like Super Saiyan fast,” said Sadykov, referring to a Dragon Ball Z character. “He became like Usain Bolt and he bolted. He bolted. I was going fast, bro, I’m

a fast runner, too, so for him to beat me? I was like, ‘Holy s--t.’

“The guy went over like an eight-foot fence, at the end of the highway, crazy s--t. He goes over the fence and the cop was like, ‘Man, I have like 40 pounds of equipment on, I can’t get over that fence.’ I’m like, ‘Man, why do they even hire fat cops?’ ”

Despite the criminal getting away — and Sadykov now believing the NYPD should put a 200-pound weight limit on officers to keep up with fast-running perps — he said was left with a new appreciati­on for New York’s Finest.

“I figured these guys were schmucks, but the two cops I was with the whole time, those two officers really, really took it upon themselves to make sure we got that s--t done,” he said.

As for Sadykov, he’s confident he’ll be getting a second date, maybe as early as Thursday.

“The girl’s a trouper,” he said. “She’s banged up, but I sent her some money to get her nails fixed.”

 ?? ?? DASHER: A photo (top left) provided by Joseph Sadykov (above) shows police at the scene where his stolen $150K BMW was recovered in The Bronx. (Inset, two cops who gave chase.)
DASHER: A photo (top left) provided by Joseph Sadykov (above) shows police at the scene where his stolen $150K BMW was recovered in The Bronx. (Inset, two cops who gave chase.)

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