New York Post

Wrist-slap Alvin lends lefty hand


Arrested for disorderly conduct Tuesday, disorder mastermind (for pay!) Manolo De Los Santos was walking free the next day.

Hey, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg: How about getting serious, and creative, in investing, charging and criminally prosecutin­g the career agitators encouragin­g chaos across the city?

Yes, De Los Santo, the 35-year-old leftist zealot and co-executive director of The People’s Forum (an incubator for radical progressiv­es), only got arrested for disorderly conduct at an anti-Israel encampment at the Fashion Institute of Technology.

But in January, he was arrested at another protest (where he called for the state of Israel to be “finally destroyed and erased from history”). Then, less than two eeks later, he was busted again at protest in Manhattan that locked traffic on bridges as he crowd chanted “NYPD, KKK, IDF they’re all the same.”

It seems he only got a ummons both times, as either arrest left a mark on is permanent record.

But this is a pattern of criminal activity, activity it’s his job to promote; how about looking at some conspiracy charges?

Look at James Carlson, 40, the son of millionair­e ad execs and “longtime anarchist” with a rap sheet going back to 2005: He was busted for taking part in (and possibly leading) rioters’ vandalism and occupation of Columbia’s Hamilton Hall — then he got slapped with another charge of criminal mischief for destroying a camera inside a holding cell while in custody.

Carlson was also at the Jan. 27 protest; after being arrested in Hamilton Hall, he was further charged with a hate crime, assault and petit larceny for allegedly hitting an Israel supporter in the face with a rock during a protest in April.

These aren’t students: They’re serial law-breakers, bent on causing mayhem and stirring up hate; why do they keep walking through the revolving door of New York’s justice system?

The DA has proved he can get wildly creative when it comes to charging an ex-president; he should be trying at least as hard to jail the profession­al protesters who keep disrupting the lives of ordinary New Yorkers.

 ?? ?? IN CUSTODY: Protest agitator Manolo De Los Santos is cuffed by riot cops near FIT Tuesday.
IN CUSTODY: Protest agitator Manolo De Los Santos is cuffed by riot cops near FIT Tuesday.
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