New York Post

Columbia Protesters: Parents Are at Fault, Too


I laughed while reading Piers Morgan ask about the parents of the protesting students at Columbia (“Where the hell are their parents?!” May 1).

The answer is that the parents either don’t care or actually support what their spoiled and clueless offspring are doing.

Morgan also asks where Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is. He’s missing, off chasing former President Donald Trump at the bidding of President Biden’s administra­tion.

Instead, Morgan should focus more on Columbia’s craven President Minouche Shafik and her cowardly cohorts, who are letting this obscene and disgracefu­l display against moral decency play out completely unopposed.

But not to worry. The warm season will soon be upon us and the mob will naturally dissipate as its members seek out summer vacation.

Frank Olivieri Ft. Myers, Fla.

Piers Morgan asks, “Where are the parents?”

But I believe a better question is, “Who are these students?”

I believe that half of these “students” are not really students at all. I demand that the percentage of students and nonstudent­s taken into custody be publicly released — not just in New York, but nationwide.

Bill Quigley

Clark, NJ

Firstly, was the question “Where are the parents?” relevant during the 1968 Columbia protests?

No, it wasn’t.

Secondly, Morgan misinterpr­ets the word “intifada.” Yes, intifada means “uprising” in Arabic — but these protests are an uprising against the genocide of the Palestinia­n people, not Jews.

And to answer his inquiry about why Jewish people protest against Israel: It’s because they are opposed to genocide, like Dartmouth College’s head of Jewish studies — who was arrested and banned from Dartmouth for defending her proPalesti­nian students.

Phil Stein Merced, Calif.

I think that the families of the students involved in the damages to the property of their schools should be held responsibl­e for paying the costs to repair those damages.

I think their families would put a very quick end to their participat­ion if they have to pay for it.

Jean Cole Juno Beach. Fla.

 ?? ?? What parents want?
What parents want?

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