New York Post


M’hattan model new pro-Trump RNC flack


This MAGA-loving bikini model is suiting up to support Donald Trump, trading the pool for the podium as she lends her ample assets to the Republican National Committee as a new spokeswoma­n.

Elizabeth Pipko, 28, a born-andbred Manhattani­te, tells The Post she’s happy to trade her signature “New York uniform of dark black” for red, white and blue as she helps the rebranded RNC try to reelect the former president in November.

“The things he’s been through have been unreal. A lot of people look at what he’s up against every day and see his real character,’’ the Sports Illustrate­d beauty gushed about Trump, 77.

The RNC, which said it acts as “one unified operation” with the Trump campaign, underwent a major overhaul in March after the ouster of longtime chair Ronna McDaniel.

New co-chairs Michael Whatley and Trump daughter-in-law Lara Trump have since overseen a significan­t staff shake-up that included some 60 axed employees.

The committee’s current laser focus is on fund-raising, beefing up what Trump calls “election integrity” and mounting the “most aggressive early voter turnout campaign ever” in the critical months leading up to the expected nail-biter election Nov. 5 as Trump leads President Biden in key battlegrou­nd states in polls.

Pipko, the daughter of Jewish Russian immigrants who fled religious persecutio­n, said she considers herself the embodiment of the American dream, and can’t wait to make “a difference.

“This is one of the biggest elections in this country’s history,” said the self-described “proud religious Jew,’’ whose résumé includes Ivy League degrees from Harvard and Penn as well as three published books.

“Only in this country can a daughter of immigrants who arrived here with nothing get a chance to make some kind of a difference like this. So when you get that chance, you take it.”

Campaign trailblaze­r

Pipko recalled her first trip to the nation’s capital as a young girl and “staring at the White House for six hours,” a reflection of her “obsession with America.”

She has been modeling since she was 17, when she signed with the powerhouse agency Wilhelmina, leading to racy features in Maxim, Esquire and Sports Illustrate­d.

She is also a model of moxie — proudly coming out of the fashion closet as a Trump supporter in 2019, eventually damaging her career in a left-leaning industry.

“I lost everything — all of my connection­s,” including agents, bookers, photograph­ers and friends, Pipko said.

She worked her way up from a Trump campaign volunteer to paid aide during his 2016 run, then founded the Exodus Movement, a PAC fighting antisemiti­sm.

She also got married at Mar-aLago in December 2018 to Darren Centinello, whom she met on the 2016 campaign. He now works for the current Trump campaign.

 ?? ?? GLAMPAIGN: Elizabeth Pipko (below, with Donald Trump) tells The Post she’s ready to fight for “one of the biggest elections in this country’s history.”
GLAMPAIGN: Elizabeth Pipko (below, with Donald Trump) tells The Post she’s ready to fight for “one of the biggest elections in this country’s history.”

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