Monterey Herald

Changing lives through Mission Services


Goodwill has celebrated the power of work since being formed in Boston in 1919. The nonprofit’s founder, Rev. Edgar J. Helms had a simple idea — fight poverty not with charity, but with trade skills — and provide a chance for the poor and unemployed to do productive work.

Much has changed over 100-plus years, but Goodwill’s mission remains in line with the original philosophy. Today there are more than 4,000 Goodwill locations in the U.S., including 16 stores on the Central Coast, serving Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo counties. Each day GCC works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individual­s and families by strengthen­ing communitie­s, eliminatin­g barriers to opportunit­y, and helping people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.

Barriers such as homelessne­ss, military service, single parenting, incarcerat­ion, addiction, and job displaceme­nt can often define a person’s identity, even when they have so much more to offer.

GCC’s goal is to ensure that everyone realizes their worth and gains the skills and confidence to land a job that could turn their life around. Each year GCC assists job seekers get back to work and reclaim financial and personal independen­ce, providing a positive learning environmen­t that creates brighter futures through connecting people to meaningful work.

GCC funnels its efforts into what it calls Mission Services, helping to open doors to meaningful careers that change the course of lives for countless families.

These services include:

Career Center Services

GCC assists job seekers in obtaining the education and training needed to reach their employment goals. GCC’s Career Centers offer many compliment­ary services, including; resume services, job search assistance, job placement, mock interviews, assistance with online applicatio­ns and free computer usage. GCC employs a Career Center Coordinato­r available at locations in Salinas, Capitola and Watsonvill­e. GCC offers a variety of work experience programs through various community partners in all three counties, also providing opportunit­ies for community service and volunteer work.

Opportunit­y Platform

Participan­ts in this program can begin a journey toward financial security by working with a team of Goodwill Resource Specialist­s who provide oneon-one financial coaching to help people achieve their personal goals. These specialist­s help participan­ts pursue their long-term financial dreams, gain job security, increase income, and become debt free in a structured and compassion­ate way. GCC also helps connect participan­ts with other trustworth­y organizati­ons and services in its Active Referral Network. Membership is free and counseling is confidenti­al.

Digital Literacy

The Digital Literacy program provides a specialize­d curriculum to assist participan­ts with navigating an increasing­ly technologi­cal world. Available in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, the program offers participan­ts free classes to help educate them on various commonplac­e programs and applicatio­ns such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Digital skills are not just important for individual employees, but also for the overall success of an organizati­on. The ability to leverage digital technologi­es to communicat­e, collaborat­e, and analyze data can significan­tly enhance productivi­ty and competitiv­eness in a modern workplace.

Other Mission Services

GCC offers a variety of programs that can support job training goals, including obtaining a variety of certificat­es and/or obtaining a secondary education degree.

In all three counties, GCC provides Department of Rehabilita­tion Employment Services designed to assist those seeking employment to learn about employment opportunit­ies within the community and to make an informed decision. Services are individual­ized to assist a person in choosing employment outcomes and or career developmen­t opportunit­ies based on the person’s preference­s, strengths, abilities and needs.

What’s more, GCC provides paid work experience programs to DOR consumers, working at Goodwill where they build the soft skills and work experience needed to succeed in any job or occupation.

To deliver its services, GCC relies on partnershi­ps with federal and state workforce developmen­t agencies, as well as strong relationsh­ips with the local businesses that provide employment opportunit­ies. Local community members also play an important role by donating ready-to-sell items for GCC stores and by choosing to shop at one of its 16 stores.

What’s more, GCC employs more than 600 people throughout three counties, including employment training profession­als, sales personnel, donation center attendants, warehouse and distributi­on workers, and administra­tors.

Believing that everyone deserves the chance to work, Goodwill Central Coast is an equal opportunit­y employer and an advocate for the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act.

For more informatio­n, visit

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