Monterey Herald

Amazing zoo experience awaits locally


Accredited by the Zoological Associatio­n of America (ZAA) in 2020, Monterey Zoo continues to evolve as the “first” zoological experience of its kind in Monterey County. In doing so, the Monterey Zoo Board of Directors takes great pride in being the first in many other aspects of the zoological Industry.

A 501(c)(3) non-profit organizati­on, Monterey Zoo was founded by Charlie Sammut, who, with his family and a dedicated group of staff and volunteers, accomplish­ed most of the build themselves, allowing the great majority of donated funds to go towards materials and in turn bring Monterey County’s first zoo of this kind to fruition as quickly as physically possible. Today, as the zoo evolves, it has begun doing what all responsibl­e and accredited zoos are tasked with doing, educating and contributi­ng to the conservati­on of animals and their wild habitats worldwide. Once again, the directors of Monterey Zoo take great pride in being “the first” to do so in ways that are somewhat new to the zoological industry.

One such “first” includes the zoo’s new “CONSERVATI­ON HALL” Program in which all adult visitors receive a 25-cent refund in the form of a wooden quarter. With that wooden quarter, they are channeled through a hall to enter the zoo. The hall is lined with receptacle­s representi­ng nearly fifty non-profit animal species and conservati­on efforts worldwide. Visitors get to choose which effort will receive their 25-cent donation. To date, Monterey Zoo has raised and forwarded over $11,000 to benefit over forty different species.

Another “first” occurred on 11/11/23 when the zoo hosted its first fund-raising event solely dedicated to another non-profit conservati­on effort, the Internatio­nal Rhino Foundation (IRF). This “Saving Rhinos” event was made unique in that Monterey Zoo shared its personal donor base with IRF, allowing ALL funds raised that evening to go toward rhino conservati­on in both Indonesia and Africa. In fact, representa­tives from the Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary in South Africa and IRF Indonesia Rhino Program flew in just for this event. The zoo covered ALL overhead costs for the event so that all donations would go to the rhinos. At the end of the day, the generosity of Monterey Zoo’s incredible donors raised $105,000 for rhino conservati­on in that one afternoon.

Monterey Zoo offers guests an opportunit­y to get up close and personal with their new southern white rhino ambassador­s as well as to spend the night in authentic South African Bungalows located above the new rhino-zebra-buffalo-wildebeest habitat. It’s truly as close to being in Africa as one can get without leaving the U.S. A wonderful opportunit­y to do something as a family this holiday season. Gift certificat­es are also available for daily, family, or season passes. An awesome stocking stuffer or special gift for a loved one that they can use all year long. Monterey Zoo is OPEN 7 DAYS a week from 10 am-3 pm (closed on Christmas Day),

All are encouraged to visit www.montereyzo­o. org to learn about visiting protocols, pricing, and tour packages.

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