Miami Herald

Cristobal and UF’s Napier share a Saban connection

- BY JORDAN MCPHERSON jmcpherson@miamiheral­

Miami Hurricanes coach Mario Cristobal and Florida Gators coach Billy Napier are connected by more than just their season-opening matchup Saturday.

The two are plenty familiar with each other from an earlier stop in their coaching career.

Cristobal and Napier overlapped on Nick Saban’s coaching staff at Alabama for four years, from 2013 through 2016. Cristobal was Saban’s assistant head coach, offensive line coach and recruiting coordinato­r while Napier was the wide receiver coach during that time.

“Hard worker, really good person,” Cristobal said of Napier. “You know, it certainly was a pretty interestin­g collection of coaches back then [at Alabama]. We all took a ton of pride in our work and working for coach Saban and had a lot of success together. Certainly have a tremendous amount of respect for him. Great family man. as well.”

The two went their separate ways after that but followed similar trajectori­es to get their current positions.

Cristobal headed to Oregon in 2017 to become co-offensive coordinato­r and then eventually head coach of the Ducks from 2018 to 2021 before landing at Miami in 2022. Napier spent a year as offensive coordinato­r at Arizona State in 2017 before becoming the head coach at Louisiana for four years and

then taking over the Florida program in 2022.

And now both are entering pivotal third seasons at their current stops after two rough seasons to begin their tenures. Cristobal is 12-13 in two years at Miami. Napier is 11-14 in two years at Florida


While most of the talk about the Hurricanes’ offense is understand­ably focused on quarterbac­k

Cam Ward, offensive coordinato­r Shannon Dawson has stressed that his focus is to make sure the team isn’t too one-dimensiona­l.

That’s easy to do on his front with the depth the Hurricanes have at running back and receiver.

“We can attack in a lot of different ways,” Dawson said. “Being multiple is key. We’re going to run the football. We’re big up front. We’re physical. Our

running back room is talented, our tight end room’s talented.

“Being able to do a lot of different things from the same personnel group is huge. Hopefully we can attack you in a lot of different ways, a lot of speeds. That’s the key.”


One under-the-radar freshman who has garnered attention inside the program throughout fall camp: Defensive back OJ

Frederique, the three-star prospect out of Fort Lauderdale St. Thomas Aquinas.

When asked what stands out about Frederique, defensive coordinato­r Lance Guidry on Monday said “probably his competitiv­e nature.”

“I remember one of the first days that he was here in fall camp, he went up against a wide receiver, covered him and didn’t back down there,” Guidry said.

“Your eyes kind of started opening. Just the ability to play the ball down the field and not panic, looking back for the ball, and not playing scared. He’s got a knack to him. He’s big. He’s more physical than you think. So as a freshman to come in and not blink like that really is not common. So we’re really excited about him.”


“What people don’t want to admit about this profession a lot of times is consistenc­y over time wins. If you keep things consistent and the schemes are solid and the people get used to working together — and players are the same way; you have players over time running the same plays banking reps — repetition is how you learn things from Day One.

“You know, you’re better at tying your shoes now than you were when you were a kid, because you’ve been doing it, right?” — Offensive coordinato­r Shannon Dawson on the importance of continuity on the coaching staff

 ?? MATT PENDLETON; AL DIAZ Gainesvill­e Sun; adiaz@miamiheral­ ?? Florida coach Billy Napier, left, and Miami coach Mario Cristobal overlapped on Nick Saban’s coaching staff at Alabama for four years, from 2013 through 2016.
MATT PENDLETON; AL DIAZ Gainesvill­e Sun; adiaz@miamiheral­ Florida coach Billy Napier, left, and Miami coach Mario Cristobal overlapped on Nick Saban’s coaching staff at Alabama for four years, from 2013 through 2016.

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