Miami Herald

This is not the end of Temple Israel of Greater Miami

- BY SHARI DEBOWSKY Shari Debowsky is executive director of Temple Israel.

As the executive director of Temple Israel of Greater Miami, I have spent reflective time digesting the recent articles that paint our current situation as the closure of a storied legacy.

I have been moved by the heartfelt outpouring of texts and phone calls from my neighbors in the Jewish and secular community, checking in on me and the temple to share their own connection to Temple Israel.

Whether it was a Shabbat service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary, a wedding in the Sophie and Nathan Gumenick Chapel, or reminding me that their photos still adorn the confirmati­on wall, this amazing community connection is strong, and the support feels unwavering.


Yes, our congregati­on is navigating challengin­g times, but let’s be resolute that this moment isn’t a eulogy; it’s the prelude to a new beginning. Temple Israel, at 137 NE 19th St., has stood as a beacon of Jewish life and progressiv­e values in South Florida for over a century. This year, the temple is celebratin­g its 103rd anniversar­y. It will officially close in June of 2025.

The legacy we’ve built is undeniable: from our role as a cornerston­e of social justice to our historic embrace of inclusion, Temple Israel has always been more than just walls and stained glass.

Our identity is profoundly bound to our people, mission and spirit.

Temple Israel’s decision to leave the physical space is not a surrender; it’s a realignmen­t. We recognize that maintainin­g a large, aging facility does not serve our future. [The temple serves 130 families; in its heyday the number reached 1,800.]

Instead, we have an opportunit­y to reimagine what it means to be a community on our own terms.


We are not abandoning our past; we are evolving. Our legacy continues, but it will do so in ways that reflect today’s realities.

Our membership may have dwindled in numbers, but a devout commitment to serving our congregati­on and enriching a Jewish way of life has not.

We will care for our members, and we will honor our mission, even as it takes on new forms.

We will do this thoughtful­ly and collaborat­ively through a purposeful Transition Task Force and Board of Trustees, exploring every option to ensure that Temple Israel remains a vital force for Jewish values in this town, no matter where our next chapter takes place.


Change is never easy. There’s a real grief in leaving a space that holds generation­s of memories, but in that mourning comes hope.

Hope for a more nimble, innovative institutio­n rooted in relationsh­ips, values, and impact. This is an opportunit­y for us to reflect on what truly matters, and to ensure that our history is not just preserved but reinvigora­ted for generation­s to come.

Our story, like many of yours, is still unfolding. We are embracing this transition, not as a loss, but as a chance to create something new and extraordin­ary aligned with both the needs of the congregati­on and the broader community we serve.

Temple Israel will continue to be a place where we gather, pray, celebrate, learn and work together for a better world; it may just look different, more attuned to the present moment and our future aspiration­s.

As we optimistic­ally face the year ahead and the Jewish New Year, let’s remember that the heart of our people is found in the meaningful connection­s we share and the timeless values we live by, each and every day. This High Holy Days will be a beautiful tribute to our legacy, flavored with a different kind of sweetness.

Together, we will determine what comes next, not with a sense of nostalgia for what was, but with an inspired vision of what could be. We remain committed to our mission, and we invite all of Miami to step up and be part of shaping our next chapter. This moment in history needs all of us.

This is not the end; it’s the beginning of something remarkable. And we’re ready to build it together.

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