Miami Herald

Deny Amendment 4

- – Ted Yaeger, – Daytona Beach

As a specialist oncologist physician, I work tirelessly to save lives stricken with cancer. For the most part, my patients have lived full lives and seek to continue surviving. Not all are life “experience­d,” however.

Caring for children stricken with cancer is a challengin­g mindset of its own nightmare. Some — fortunatel­y few — are perinatal or just a few months into their life journey. With great anticipati­on, parent(s) eagerly await that new life. Then comes the cancer news

and their world is shattered. The medical team, extended family, close friends, but mostly the parent(s) have more than just a new life but a whole new challengin­g lifestyle.

As their “provider,” I can attest to the decades of research and the billions spent to overcome childhood cancer — some with great success, others still seeking better outcomes. In more than 35 years of practice, I have witnessed many miraculous successes, but none without great commitment from all involved.

It is my fervent hope that abortion will become only a desperate medical emergency and the options for alternativ­es become strongly minimized. Society exerts great effort and treasure to save innocent children from defects and diseases.

Why are prenatal children not considered as precious?

Regardless of the confusing and deceptive wording in Florida’s Amendment 4, it should be clearly recognized as the child-rights destroyer amendment. Worse, it codifies legislatio­n to prevent future modificati­ons should abortion advocates reconsider their hard-line demands for abortion access. In the name of humanity, Amendment 4 must be rejected.

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