Miami Herald

Why I’m investing to stop Amendment 3

- BY KEN GRIFFIN Ken Griffin is the founder and CEO of Citadel. He lives in Miami.

I take great pride in being a Floridian. I was born here. I graduated from public high school here. And thanks to the thoughtful policies that Floridians have supported for decades, with great enthusiasm, my colleagues and I moved our business and our families to Florida.

I know without a doubt that Florida is the brightest state in America, brimming with opportunit­y, optimism and principled policies. I’m committed to doing my part to ensure our state’s continued leadership and empower Floridians from all walks of life. To that end, I’m announcing major investment­s in Florida’s future.

I have donated $20 million in support of candidates and to oppose Amendment 3, a terrible plan to create the nation’s most expansive and destructiv­e marijuana laws. These investment­s reflect my commitment to the policies and principles that have made Florida so successful — equal opportunit­y, high-quality education, efficient and effective government and safe and strong communitie­s.

Our state’s legislativ­e leaders have tirelessly pursued common-sense solutions. Quite simply, they’ve elevated Florida to new heights, making our state the envy of the nation. Through their leadership, Florida is easily the best place in America to live and work and raise a

Opinion family.

Business is booming and wages are soaring, as Florida leads the country in economic growth. We have America’s top education system, where kids learn the skills and knowledge they need to succeed and move America forward. Our cities are safer than they’ve been in decades, if not ever — just look at Miami.

And even as our economy has grown and our cities have expanded, our state is protecting our natural treasures, like our beaches and waterways.

No other state is making so much progress, so quickly, on so many fronts.

But our leaders in Tallahasse­e aren’t done. They’re going to continue building a government that works for the people, not against us, and pass policies that make Florida an even better place to live. They will continue making progress on addressing the emerging challenges facing the state today – affordable housing, the high cost of insurance, and infrastruc­ture to keep pace with our state’s unparallel­ed growth. I’m proud to support them.

I’m simultaneo­usly fighting to ensure that our state’s many advantages aren’t thrown away.

That’s why I strongly oppose Amendment 3, which would make recreation­al marijuana legal in Florida.

Passage of Amendment 3 would create a monopoly for large marijuana dispensari­es and permit pot use in public and private areas throughout Florida. That will help no one other than special interests— and it will hurt us all, especially through more dangerous roads, a higher risk of addiction among our youth, and an increase in crime.

Other states have learned these lessons the hard way. In California and New York, officials say legalized marijuana has led to bigger black markets, which means more crime and more addiction among youth. In Colorado, traffic deaths have skyrockete­d since legalizati­on. Then there’s Maryland. Two-thirds of voters backed legalizati­on in 2022, yet two years later, less than one-third say it’s been good for the state, the Washington Post reported.

We have the luxury of waiting to see the longterm impact of legalizati­on play out in other states. We shouldn’t repeat their mistakes in


No one wants the effects of widespread legalizati­on of marijuana – skyrocketi­ng crime, suffering among children, a decline in the quality of life in Florida’s vibrant neighborho­ods – but Amendment 3 would make it inevitable.

We all have a responsibi­lity to protect and further improve our state. I take this responsibi­lity seriously, which is why

I’m making these latest investment­s in Florida’s future.

Our state has already achieved so much. Now we need to stop special interests from pushing legislatio­n that would take us backward. We must all work together in our shared pursuit of creating an even brighter future for our sunshine state.

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