Miami Herald

Hialeah appoints interim councilwom­an after Angelica Pacheco’s arrest and suspension

- BY VERÓNICA EGUI BRITO vegui@elnuevoher­

Amid the turmoil following Angelica Pacheco’s removal from office after her arrest on federal healthcare-fraud charges, the city of Hialeah appointed Melinda De La Vega, 38, as an interim council member. De La Vega will fill the vacancy until a special election is held in November 2025 for someone to permanentl­y occupy the seat.

De La Vega, who has no prior political experience, serves as vice president of the Hialeah Lions Club, a nonprofit focused on supporting the elderly, individual­s with special needs, and families in need. Her background in community service is seen as a valuable asset to her new role, council members said.

Councilwom­an Monica Perez moved to appoint De La Vega, praising her spirit of public service. “Her contributi­ons, including her volunteer work with the Lions

Club and the city’s beautifica­tion board, are noteworthy,” Perez stated. “I have no doubt that she will be a champion for our local entreprene­urs and a fantastic asset to the council.”

De La Vega’s appointmen­t was approved with five votes in favor from Perez, Jesus Tundidor, Jacqueline Garcia-Roves, Carl Zogby and Luis Rodriguez, while Bryan Calvo cast the sole dissenting vote.

Calvo questioned the mayor’s decision to schedule the special council meeting in mid-July, arguing the council could have convened earlier following Pacheco’s removal from office on June 25.

The interim council member previously told el Nuevo Herald her primary focus will be on enhancing the city’s community services, particular­ly for vulnerable and elderly residents.

“My goal is to create opportunit­ies for local businesses and beautify the city,” she said. “I want to make Hialeah a more attractive and pleasant place to live by improving public spaces and ensuring that green areas remain clean and safe.”

De La Vega holds a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administra­tion and human resources and


 ?? ALIE SKOWRONSKI askowronsk­i@miamiheral­ ?? Melinda De La Vega. right, hugs someone after being named an interim council member at a Hialeah City Council meeting on Tuesday at Hialeah City Hall. She will fill the vacancy until a special election is held in November 2025.
ALIE SKOWRONSKI askowronsk­i@miamiheral­ Melinda De La Vega. right, hugs someone after being named an interim council member at a Hialeah City Council meeting on Tuesday at Hialeah City Hall. She will fill the vacancy until a special election is held in November 2025.

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