Miami Herald

‘Potential for exploitati­on.’ Dade School Board wants to clarify NIL rule for student-athletes

- BY CLARA-SOPHIA DALY csdaly@miamiheral­ Clara-Sophia Daly: @clarasophi­adaly

The Miami-Dade School Board approved an item that asks the district to analyze the implementa­tion of the new Florida High School Athletic Associatio­n rule that allows student-athletes to benefit from their name, image and likeness (NIL).

The item was introduced on Tuesday by board member Steve Gallon III. It asks Superinten­dent Jose L. Dotres to review the new rule and figure out how it will be implemente­d in the district, as well as if any amendments need to be made to existing policy. A working group will be establishe­d to provide a plan for implementa­tion.

In early June, Florida joined California, Georgia and more than 30 other states to allow NIL deals for high-school athletes. The change allows student-athletes and their parents or guardians to broker NIL deals outside of a school, a district or the FHSAA. It also permits student-athletes to hire a registered agent “for the purpose of advising on

NIL related matters,” according to the FHSAA bylaws.

Gallon says the new rule is “out there with no guidance,” and he is concerned that some families are receiving false promises and misinforma­tion about potential NIL deals.

“I think the notion of compensati­ng high-school students brings a great degree of concern for the potential for exploitati­on,” said Gallon.

He says he is concerned that some parents might not have the support, knowledge or resources to navigate decisions about helpng their children benefiting from their fame.

The law allows athletes to make business arrangemen­ts only if they do not use a school’s name.

But nonetheles­s, Gallon says parents might chose one school over another based on the likelihood of gaining business opportunit­ies.

“Maybe a parent would choose one particular high school because they feel like at that high school there might be more opportunit­ies for them to make money,” said Gallon.

He is hopeful that the school district can clarify how parents, athletic directors, athletes and school administra­tors will be impacted — and how they can follow the new rule.

But even Miami-Dade School Board member and FHSAA President Monica Colucci recognized that the rule takes Florida into “new territory.”

“There are going to be hesitation­s,” Colucci told the News Service of Florida in early June. “We are going to feel nervous. But I do really believe that this is going to put us on par with the rest of the country.”

The rule has coaches and athletic directors concerned.

Miami Jackson High football coach Max Edwards told the Herald in an earlier interview that it was a bad idea.

“I think it’s one of the stupidest rules that they ever came up with,” he said, citing the poor pay of Florida high-school football coaches. “They’ll make more than the coaches!”

Andre Williams, the athletic director at Miami Northweste­rn Senior High School, says he foresees the rule being challengin­g to implement.

“It’s not clear yet how the law will play out; we are still trying to get some direction on that.”

 ?? ?? Steve Gallon III
Steve Gallon III

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