Miami Herald

This porkbelly pig says to just say no to pork


Overspendi­ng has been such a part of the fabric of the nation’s capital that the fiscal watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste has gone through a number of pig mascots.

Poppy the potbelly pig attended a CAGW news conference last week to mark the release of its “2024 Congressio­nal Pig Book,” which exposes billions in dubious spending via congressio­nal earmarks. CAGW calls the pink pamphlet “The Book Washington Doesn’t Want You to Read.”

As Rep. Tom McClintock, a California Republican and rare skinflint politician in the town that math forgot, explained, the 8,222 earmarks exposed this year represent projects so unnecessar­y that sponsors don’t “dare spend their own taxpayers’ money, but they’re perfectly happy to have taxpayers in other communitie­s foot the bill for them.”

Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., summed up the practice, saying, “Earmarks are used to buy bad votes for bad bills.”

The tab for these earmarks this fiscal year: $22.7 billion, according to CAGW.

Both political parties look bad. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, ranking member of the Senate Appropriat­ions Committee, is the top earmark spender — followed by Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, Angus King, an independen­t from Maine who caucuses with Democrats, Brian Schatz, DHawaii, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York.

CAGW gave Collins the “Whole Hog Award” while its “You Cannot Be Serious Award” went to Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., for granting $1.7 million to New York’s Metropolit­an Museum of Art, even though, CAGW protests, the Gotham landmark held assets of $5 billion last year.

To qualify for the Pig Book, a project must check at least one of these boxes – requested by only one chamber of Congress, not specifical­ly authorized, not competitiv­ely awarded, not requested by the president, funded in excess of POTUS’ spending plan or the previous year’s funding, not the subject of congressio­nal hearings or serve only a local or special interest.

Under such circumstan­ces, the results are not optimal. As then-Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James stated in 2015,

“The biggest lesson I have learned from the F-35 is never again should we be flying an aircraft while we’re building it.”

Overall, Democrats took advantage of earmarking opportunit­ies by a much larger margin than Republican­s, according to CAGW — 99.6% versus 62.4%.

Some readers may recall the days when Washington could boast a small but hearty band of fiscal hawks reliably ready to take on big-spending boondoggle­s. Political giants such as former GOP Sens. John McCain and

Jeff Flake of Arizona and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma fought pork barrel profligacy and made senators who sponsored said projects squirm.

It was Coburn who famously dismissed earmarks as “the gateway drug to Washington’s spending addiction.”

Stories about a $223 million “bridge to nowhere” in Alaska inflamed public opinion. Washington did away with the practice for a decade, only to see it reemerge in 2021.

Since 1991, President Thomas Schatz said, CAGW has identified more than 130,000 earmarks that cost $460.3 billion.

Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Arizona, blamed the media for rewarding members with positive coverage “when they bring home the bacon.” They’re not giving away their money, Lesko warned. “That’s our money.”

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