Miami Herald

Putin to visit North Korea and Vietnam as his Ukraine war stalls

- BY JON HERSKOVITZ Bloomberg News

Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea and Vietnam in rare trips to long-time partners as he faces renewed challenges in his war on Ukraine.

Putin will travel to North Korea from June 18 to 19 and go on to Vietnam from June 19 to 20, according to Kremlin statements published Monday.

The trip to North Korea will be Putin’s first since 2000. Kim Jong Un’s regime is suspected of sending missiles and millions of rounds of munitions to help Putin in his grinding assault on Ukraine. With Kyiv now taking delivery of billions of dollars in fresh arms from its U.S. and European allies, the window for a Russian breakthrou­gh in the war is narrowing.

North Korea possesses some of the largest stores of artillery and weapons that are interopera­ble with Soviet-era systems deployed on the front-lines in Ukraine. Satellite imagery indicates the arms transfers picked up momentum after Kim visited Putin in September, when the North Korean leader toured Russian weapons plants. Moscow and Pyongyang have denied the arms transfers despite ample evidence showing them taking place.

“I believe Kim and Putin will pick up from where they left off when Kim was in Russia in September 2023 and seek to further upgrade the bilateral relationsh­ip across many, if not all, realms,” said Rachel Minyoung Lee, a senior fellow with the 38 North Program at the Stimson Center. She added this may mean the leaders upgrading a treaty adopted in 2000 to include stronger language on military and security cooperatio­n.

“For as long as the war in Ukraine continues, North Korea-Russia relations will remain solid. What the relationsh­ip will look like after the war in Ukraine is over, that is harder to predict,” said Lee, who worked as an analyst for the CIA’s Open Source Enterprise for almost two decades.

For months, Russia’s army has made only limited gains on the battlefiel­d against Ukrainian forces that were running low on weapons.

Kim, meanwhile, has presided over tests of some of his newest artillery rockets and ballistic missile systems. South Korean Defense Minister Shin Wonsik has said the weapons displays may have been intended to impress Putin by showing him what North Korea could provide for his assault on Ukraine.

In return for the munitions from Kim’s regime that could reach as high as nearly 5 million artillery shells, Russia has sent to North Korea technology to help in its plans to deploy an array of spy satellites as well as convention­al arms such as tanks and aircraft, Shin said in an interview with Bloomberg News. Russia is likely to send military technology to

Kim, increasing Pyongyang’s threat to the region, Shin added.

Russia and North Korea plan to sign an agreement on strategic partnershi­p, including on security and economic cooperatio­n, during Putin’s visit that will replace existing accords dating back as far as 1961, Kremlin foreign policy aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters, according to the state-run Tass news agency.

Putin will be accompanie­d in North Korea by Defense Minister Andrey Belousov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, as well as Russian space agency chief Yury Borisov and the head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov.

The stakes for Putin’s visit to Vietnam are likely to be lower. He last went there in 2017, when the nation hosted the AsiaPacifi­c Economic Cooperatio­n Summit in the coastal city of Danang.

Vietnam and Russia have ties going back decades to the Soviet era. Moscow was a major supplier of military aid to Vietnam during its war with the U.S. The Southeast Asian nation has since relied on Russia for weapons, including aircraft and Kilo-class, diesel-powered submarines.

Relations between Vietnam and Russia have stayed warm, with Moscow also a key stakeholde­r in Vietnam’s energy sector.

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