Miami Herald

Disney opens up wallet again, including to GOP who backed ‘don’t say gay’ law


After a two-year pause, the Walt Disney Co. this spring provided thousands of dollars in benefits for Florida lawmakers as the company slowly restarted contributi­ons to state politician­s — including to Republican­s who voted for the law critics dubbed “don’t say gay.”

The company had been one of the biggest political contributo­rs in the state before March 2022, when it suspended all political contributi­ons in Florida in the wake of then-CEO Bob Chapek’s announcing his opposition to the law, which banned instructio­n about sexual orientatio­n or gender identity in schools and critics said promoted discrimina­tion against LGBTQ people.

Chapek at the time called the law “another challenge to basic human rights.”

In response to Disney’s public opposition, Gov. Ron DeSantis, who signed the bill into law, then orchestrat­ed a takeover of the district that runs government services in Walt Disney World. The company then sued Florida, arguing that it was being politicall­y targeted.

But in March, a settlement was reached in the legal battle between the state and Disney over the state’s takeover of the district. And DeSantis, who made rhetoric against the company a mainstay during his failed presidenti­al campaign, has since warmed to Disney and even promoted the idea of a fifth Disney theme park in Florida.

As of Tuesday, the day after the campaign filing deadline for April and May, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts was listed as providing more than $87,000 in in-kind contributi­ons to political committees, most of which are affiliated with lawmakers.

That number did not include in-kind contributi­ons made to state Sen. Geraldine Thompson, D-Ocoee, for a Friday fundraiser at Walt Disney World.

Thompson said last month she was told the company was still only providing in-kind contributi­ons, in which a donor provides services, products,event space or other benefits, and has not yet gotten the go-ahead from company headquarte­rs in California to start giving checks.

The reports list the monetary value of the contributi­ons, but do not include details of what specifical­ly was provided.

The company’s largest single in-kind contributi­on was $28,487 to Daley for Florida, the committee backing state Rep. Dan Daley, D-Coral Springs.

It also provided $16,423 each to the groups People Above Politics, affiliated with state Rep. Demi Busatta Cabrera, R-Coral Gables, and Florida Farmers and Ranchers United, affiliated with state Rep. Josie Tomkow, R-Polk


Tomkow voted for the controvers­ial law, officially known as the Parental Rights in Education Act.

Disney also provided $10,000 to Citizens for Solutions, chaired by state Sen. Jason Brodeur, RSanford, and nearly $10,000 to Friends of Joe Gruters, the Republican state senator and former state GOP chair from Sarasota. Both also voted for the bill.

An additional $6,212 was provided to the group Keep Orange County Safe, run by Tallahasse­e attorney Mark Herron.

Before the pause, Disney had given about $55 million to Republican­s, Democrats and political committees in the state over the previous 28 years, including about $5 million in 2020 and more than $2 million in the first two months of 2022.

 ?? JOE RAEDLE Getty Images/TNS, file ?? As of Tuesday, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts was listed as providing more than $87,000 in in-kind contributi­ons to political committees.
JOE RAEDLE Getty Images/TNS, file As of Tuesday, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts was listed as providing more than $87,000 in in-kind contributi­ons to political committees.

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