Miami Herald

Barack Obama worked out at South Florida hotel and then hung out with the Beckhams

- BY MADELEINE MARR mmarr@miamiheral­

Fitness buffs working out at The Biltmore’s gym last week had some famous company during their sweat session: Former President Barack Obama.

A spy tells that Obama — along with a Secret Service detail — stopped in to work out last

Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

“He was on the treadmill for a bit and then did some weights,” the fellow guest of the Coral Gables hotel reports. “He kind of kept to himself.”

For anyone wondering why the ex POTUS would be in Miami just as Art Basel was about to kick off, the reason didn’t have to do with art, exactly.

On Thursday evening,

Obama hosted a charity event for his eponymous foundation.

Among the guests: local power couple David and Victoria Beckham.

On Instagram, the soccer icon and fashion designer celebrated the lovefest sharing Instagram snaps of the affair held at an undisclose­d location.

“Such an honour to welcome and host Barack Obama in support of the incredible work the Obama Foundation is doing to empower the next generation of leaders around the world,” the onetime Spice Girl gushed. “Thank you for all that you do to change young lives and improve communitie­s.”

Becks seconded the emotion, writing: “A towering example of grace and humility ... it was so inspiring to hear about the innovative projects that are changing young lives and improving communitie­s.

“Thank you Mr. President it was a privilege to hear you speak with such passion and conviction.”

As per its website, the Chicago-based nonprofit’s goal is to “inspire people to take action, empower them to change their world, and connect them so they can achieve more together.”

Madeleine Marr: madeleinem­arr

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