Mammoth Times



house doors.

July 8

Someone called to report a reckless driver on S.R 203 and said they witnessed the driver of a blue dump truck was swerving on the road.

Someone called to report a reckless driver on Lake Mary Road and said the driver of a blue Volkswagen was chasing and following them.

Someone called to report a parking problem on Lake Mary Road and said multiple vehicles were parked by the bus stop allowing for only a single lane of traffic to be open.

A Mammoth Lakes Police officer stopped on Main Street to check on a pedestrian.

July 9

Someone called to request assistance on Thompsons Way and said they were stuck in between the court

Someone called to report a hit and run on U.S 395 and said while riding their bicycle the driver of a black Subaru hatchback hit them and drove away. The reporting person said they were not injured and did not need medical assistance.

Someone called to report suspicious circumstan­ces on Minaret Road and said a group of juveniles were standing on the sidewalk yelling at each other.

Someone called to report a bear on Minaret Road and said a dead bear was in the roadway. The reporting person said they would wait for officers to arrive.

A Mammoth Lakes Police officer stopped on Chaparral Road to check on a pedestrian.

July 10

Someone called to report suspicious circumstan­ces on Tavern Road and said a man was trying to break into a small black sedan in the parking lot.

Someone called to report bear on Meridian Boulevard and said a bear was in their kitchen. The reporting person was trying to exit the home from a bedroom window but there were elderly parents who were unable to get out of the front bedroom.

Someone called to report a suspicious vehicle on Lakeview Boulevard and said a dirt bike had been left in a parking lot for the past two weeks and appeared to be abandoned.

Someone called to request medical assistance on Main Street and said an adult male was having a seizure. A Mammoth Lakes Police officer was flagged down on Davison Road for a bear inside a vehicle.

Someone called to request assistance on Hot Springs Road and said a vehicle was stuck on a rock. The reporting person said the driver was in the vehicle and appeared to be passed out or sleeping and had been there for quite a while.

Someone called to report a bear on Vacation Place and said a bear was in their living room. The reporting person said the front door was unlocked and they were safe in a back bedroom.

July 11

Someone called to report a bear on Lakeview Boulevard and said a bear had entered a small studio through an open screen.

Someone called to report a trespasser on Main Street and said an employee had been bringing their significan­t other with them to work. The reporting person said the issue is the spouse is not an employee.

Someone called to report suspicious circumstan­ces on Tavern Road and said someone was lying on the side of the road near the Tesla charging station. The reporting person said the subject was wrapped up in a blanket and had been there for several hours.

Someone called to report a DUI on Lake Mary Road and said the driver of a Toyota Tundra appeared to be intoxicate­d. The reporting person said the driver was swerving in the road, had pulled onto curbs, pulled off to the side of the road with their hazard lights on, and then pulled back out into traffic nearly hitting another vehicle.

Someone called to report a suspicious vehicle on Forest Trail and said the driver of a white Trail Blazer had been across the street for several hours. The reporting person said the vehicle had moved to various parking spots during the time it arrived.

July 12

Someone called to report a bear on Saint Anton Circle and said a bear continues to linger in the area year round. The reporting person said the bear will enter the home if the windows are open and will throw around the garbage can outside.

Someone called to report a suicidal subject on Main Street and said a subject had drank a bottle of vodka, had taken several sleeping pills, and then ran from the home towards the forest.

Someone called to report a noise complaint on Chaparral Road and said a group of five or six men were in the parking lot making a lot of noise.

July 13

Someone called to report a disturbanc­e on Old Mammoth Road and said they could hear a man and woman yelling at each other. The reporting person said they could hear the woman screaming for help.

A Mammoth Lakes Police officer stopped on Meridian Boulevard to remove graffiti from the bus stop. Someone called to report a noise complaint on Main Street and said constructi­on work was taking place behind their residence. The reporting person said someone was driving a tractor to move dirt around.

July 14

Someone called to report a fight on Main Street and said the driver of a Dodge Ram was trying to fight with another subject on a bicycle. The reporting person said the bicyclist was claiming the driver of the truck was trying to drive into them.

Someone called to request medical aid on Meridian Boulevard and said a subject had fallen off a bike and hit their head hard.

Someone called to report a burglary on Twin Lakes Lane and said someone was trying to break into their neighbors house. The reporting person said they called the homeowner who confirmed via cameras they did not know who the subject was.

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