Mammoth Times

Busy three days for Mono County Sheriff SAR

Rescue teams aid two stranded on Negit Island, two others stranded nearby, lost hiker and older hiker with chest pain

- Mammoth Times report Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue/courtesy

The Mono County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue team was kept busy over the weekend and into Monday with a series of rescues.

At 6:30 p.m. Saturday, the team was called to assist four stranded visitors, two young men who were stuck on Negit Island in Mono Lake, and two others who had become stranded on the shore of the mainland nearby, the SAR team posted on their Facebook page.

The team establishe­d a rescue base to the north of the Tioga Inn, where there was an unpaved deep-water launch site, then headed out in two vessels. A sergeant and deputy with the Mono County Sheriff’s Office headed out in the Sheriff’s aluminum patrol boat with two SAR team members, while the SAR field team launched aboard SAR’S 14.5-foot inflatable rescue boat, equipped with an outboard engine.

The team aboard the inflatable rescue boat navigated to

The Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue Team experienci­ng chest pains on Monday.

the western shore of Negit Island and retrieved the two men stranded there, transferri­ng them to the patrol boat. The two group members stranded on the lakeshore were picked up by a deputy in a vehicle.

All of them returned to the launch area, and the operation concluded at about 9 p.m., SAR reported.

Shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday, the SAR team was called to help locate a 31-year-old female day hiker who had been separated from her group in the Ansel Adams Wilderness west of Silver Lake. She had been part of a group that had set out on an overly ambitious route that started and ended at Silver Lake. The majority of the group realized that they may have taken on too difficult of a hike and chose to cut their route short, returning to the assists a hiker who was

Rush Creek Trail and heading back to Silver Lake. However, the female hiker continued on along the original route alone.

The main group returned to Silver Lake, but after waiting for some time, the female hiker did not return. At the time of the hikers’ first call, the rescue team was still working on the rescue at Mono Lake, but after a second call, excess personnel

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