Los Angeles Times

Newsom condemns Norwalk’s ban on shelters

New ordinance blocks housing for homeless people. The state threatens legal action.

- By Liam Dillon

Gov. Gavin Newsom is threatenin­g legal action against the city of Norwalk unless it reverses a ban on homeless shelters and other housing.

“It is unfathomab­le that as our state grapples with a homelessne­ss crisis, Norwalk would pass an ordinance banning the building of homeless shelters,” Newsom said in a statement. “It is counterpro­ductive and immoral for any community to throw up their hands and say they’ve done enough while they still have people in need.”

Last month, Norwalk passed an ordinance temporaril­y banning homeless shelters, single-room occupancy housing and supportive housing. The ordinance additional­ly banned liquor stores, laundromat­s, car washes and payday loan establishm­ents.

“By virtue of their operationa­l characteri­stics, the uses listed and defined above, may have detrimenta­l effects (i.e., maintenanc­e of property, over proliferat­ion, security noise, and possible economic impacts) on the community,” according to a Sept. 17 city staff report.

The report recommends that the City Council extend the ban on homeless shelters, liquor stores and the other developmen­ts for another 10½ months.

Newsom’s administra­tion sent a notice of violation of various housing laws to the city and warned that it may refer the matter to the Attorney General’s Office for enforcemen­t unless the ordinance is rescinded. Norwalk has until Monday to respond.

“Norwalk’s residents — indeed all California­ns — should be outraged,” Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said in a statement. “If necessary, my office stands ready to take legal action against Norwalk.”

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