Los Angeles Times

Commission­er defends home insurance plan for wildfire areas

- By Laurence Darmiento

Bruce Breslau has lived in his Chatsworth condo since 2009 and figures that last year he and his partner paid $1,200 in fees to help keep their 290-unit townhouse complex insured in case of fire and other calamities.

That was before Breslau’s California West housing developmen­t was dropped by Farmers Insurance and the homeowners board had to hunt around the world to replace the Los Angeles insurer, which was providing $92 million worth of coverage for about $350,000 each year, Breslau said.

After cobbling together a patchwork of insurers including Lloyd’s of London, the complex still has insurance, but the cost rose to $1.7 million for just $50 million in coverage, he said. As part of the deal, homeowners must pay an extra $4,700 special annual assessment.

“There are people in this community, when this was announced at the board meeting, who were losing their minds. They were panicking,” said Breslau, 71, who is still working and thus more able than others to absorb the added costs. “Where are you going to come up with that?”

Breslau was one of two homeowners who spoke out Tuesday morning at a news conference on the steps of Los Angeles City Hall before a hearing inside held by the state’s Assembly Insurance Committee. Insurance Commission­er Ricardo Lara testified at the hearing about his efforts to resolve the state’s worsening homeowners insurance crisis.

The Chatsworth complex is just one of countless casualties of the crisis, which has witnessed insurers sharply raise rates and pull out of the state, not renew coverage or stop writing new policies, amid escalating losses due to wildfires that have raged up and down California and have been attributed to climate change.

On Tuesday, firefighte­rs were still trying to contain the Bridge fire in the East Fork of the San Gabriel Canyon; it has burned some 55,000 acres and damaged or destroyed more than 50 homes. The more destructiv­e Airport fire in Trabuco Canyon in Orange County had destroyed 120 homes as of Monday.

A Farmers spokespers­on declined to comment specifical­ly on California West but said that Farmers regularly reviews its financial exposure and that “when we find risks no longer meet our underwriti­ng guidelines, we inform customers that we are unable to continue offering them coverage.”

The news conference was organized by Consumer Watchdog, a prominent Los Angeles advocacy group that has been critical of a reform plan by Lara called the Sustainabl­e Insurance Strategy, which includes multiple initiative­s to lower the cost of insurance and make it more attractive for insurers to resume writing fire coverage in California.

A key part of the strategy, as wildfire losses accelerate, is allowing insurers to use complex computer models — called “black boxes” by the advocacy group — that simulate possible losses from fires in calculatin­g their premiums, rather that relying on past claims data.

In exchange for that concession, the state industry has agreed to start writing policies again in high-wildfire-risk communitie­s using a formula that requires insurance companies to issue a certain number of policies based on the percentage of the market they control. Under the terms of the formula, for example, if an insurer had a 10% statewide market share, it would have to cover at least 8.5% of homes in high-risk communitie­s.

Lara also plans to allow insurers for the first time to include in the cost of homeowner premiums reinsuranc­e they buy from large firms to protect their own bottom line from catastroph­ic events.

Consumer Watchdog says the changes amount to little more than a giveaway to the industry that will result in higher premiums without improving coverage. It suggests insurers be required to offer policies to homeowners and businesses that have taken steps to reduce fire risks on their property.

“Insurance Commission­er Lara has been worse than asleep at the switch. He’s been in the back rooms making deals with the insurance companies,” Jamie Court, president of the group, said at Tuesday’s event.

At the hearing, Lara defended his plan, saying his Sustainabl­e Insurance Strategy is the biggest reform of the industry since the 1988 passage of Propositio­n 103, which created an elected insurance commission­er with the authority to review, reduce and reject insurer rate hike requests.

Lara also announced during the hearing that the department would be working with Cal Poly Humboldt to develop a public computer model that could be used by insurers, communitie­s and other parties to calculate possible wildfire losses.

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