Los Angeles Times

Trump fans were recruited to run. A dirty trick?

Shadowy group helps far-right candidates get on ballots in swing districts — a likely boon to Democrats.

- By Ryan J. Foley and Brian Slodysko Associated Press writers Foley and Slodysko reported from Des Moines and Washington, respective­ly.

DES MOINES — Joe Wiederien was an unlikely candidate to challenge a Republican congressma­n in one of the nation’s most competitiv­e districts.

A fervent supporter of former President Trump, Wiederien was registered as a Republican until months earlier. A debilitati­ng stroke had left him unable to drive. For a time, he couldn’t vote because of a felony conviction.

But he arrived last month at the Iowa Capitol with well over the 1,726 petition signatures needed to qualify for the ballot as a conservati­ve alternativ­e to first-term Republican Rep. Zach Nunn.

Similar stories have unfolded across the country.

For the last year, a group called the Patriots Run Project has recruited Trump supporters to run as independen­t candidates in swing districts where they could siphon votes from Republican­s. In addition to two races in Iowa, the group recruited candidates in Nebraska, Montana, Virginia and Minnesota. All six recruits described themselves as retired, disabled or both.

The group’s operation provides few clues about its management, financing or motivation. But interviews, text messages, emails, business filings and other documents reviewed by the Associated Press show that a significan­t sum has been spent — and some of it traces back to Democrats.

Dirty tricks are as old as American elections, but the efforts this year could have profound consequenc­es in the fight to control Congress, which is expected to be decided by a few races.

“I was thinking, well, it would be nice to be in Congress and get to work with President Trump,” Wiederien, 54, reflected in an interview outside the Veterans Affairs hospital in Des Moines, where he was seeking treatment for a leaking incision on his head from previous brain surgery. “It looks like it’s a dirty trick now.”

Wiederien withdrew his candidacy last month after he says it became clear he’d been manipulate­d into running. As with other recruits, his story begins with Facebook,

where the Patriots Run Project operated a series of pro-Trump pages and ran ads that used apocalypti­c rhetoric to attack establishm­ent politician­s in both parties while urging conservati­ves to run in November.

Once recruited, they communicat­ed with a handful of operatives through text messages, emails and phone calls. In-person contact was limited. The Patriots Run Project advised them about what forms to fill out and how to file required paperwork.

In at least three races, petition signatures to qualify for the ballot were circulated by a Nevada company that works closely with the Democratic consulting firm Sole Strategies, according to documents, including text messages and a draft contract, as well as the firm’s cofounder. In Iowa, a different Democratic firm conducted a poll testing attacks on Nunn, while presenting Wiederien as the true conservati­ve.

Nunn on Monday called the effort a plot “to steal this election.”

“I am outraged to see anyone prey on hardworkin­g Iowans or deceive voters,” he said.

Despite the ties to Democratic firms, there is a scant paper trail to determine who is overseeing the effort.

The Patriots Run Project is not a registered business in the U.S., nor is it listed as a nonprofit with the Internal Revenue Service. And it has not filed paperwork to form a political committee with the Federal Election Commission. The only concrete identifyin­g detail listed on the group’s website is a P.O. box inside a UPS store in Washington, D.C.

Messages left at email addresses and phone numbers for the group’s operatives went unanswered.

Jason Torchinsky, a prominent Republican election lawyer and former Justice Department official, said investigat­ors should take interest. “There could be a wide variety of federal and state criminal violations,” he said.

In Iowa, it is a crime to deprive or defraud voters of “a fair and impartiall­y conducted election process,” while in Virginia ”conspiracy against rights of citizens” is a felony.

Thomas Bowman, who is 71 and disabled after a kidney transplant, said he believes he probably was recruited to run against Democratic Rep. Angie Craig of Minnesota to split the conservati­ve vote and help Craig win reelection in the suburban Minneapoli­s district. But the self-described constituti­onal conservati­ve expressed gratitude for free help getting signatures.

“They got me on the ballot,” Bowman said. “If I had to do that all by myself, I couldn’t do it.”

In Montana, Dennis Hayes was recruited to run as a Libertaria­n against GOP Rep. Ryan Zinke. The group found a donor to give him $1,740 to cover his filing fee, Hayes recalled.

Robert Reid, a widowed retiree running against Republican Rep. Jen Kiggans in southeaste­rn Virginia, said he was contacted by the Patriots Run Project after posting his views to Facebook. His sole in-person contact was when a man drove to his home in a Mercedes SUV to drop off his completed petition signature paperwork.

In Nebraska, Army veteran and Trump supporter Gary Bera said he was asked to run as an independen­t against Republican Rep. Don Bacon. The district, which includes Omaha, is the state’s most competitiv­e. Plans changed abruptly last month when he was informed that the group had not collected enough signatures for him to qualify.

In Iowa, the group recruited longtime GOP activist Stephanie Jones to run as an independen­t against Republican Rep. Mariannett­e Miller-Meeks. Jones said the group paid to gather signatures for her but fell short.

Wiederien wants the Patriots Run Project to be investigat­ed.

The group convinced Wiederien to change his party affiliatio­n from Republican to unaffiliat­ed so he could qualify. They assured him a 2013 felony conviction wasn’t disqualify­ing and arranged for a firm to gather signatures across the district.

Those signatures were gathered by Common Sense America, a Nevada limited liability company created in February. A company disclosure filing in Colorado, which requires signature gatherers to register, lists a phone number for a cofounder of Sole Strategies.

“We work very closely with Common Sense America,” said Zee CohenSanch­ez, the co-founder.

Last month, a poll attacked Nunn, calling him “an errand boy for the uniparty elite,” while painting Wiederien as the pro-Trump conservati­ve in the race.

A spokeswoma­n for the firm that operated the poll, Dynata, said its customer was Patinkin Research, which says it “has worked to elect dozens of Democratic candidates.”

When it was time to submit his petitions, Wiederien was driven by a Patriots Run Project operative to Des Moines, where they met a man in an office near the Capitol. He gave them paperwork and a binder full of his signatures. All he had to do was sign a form.

Not long after, he heard from Republican­s who convinced him he’d been tricked into thinking the Patriots Run Project had Trump’s support and he withdrew his name from the ballot.

 ?? Photograph­s by Charlie Neibergall Associated Press ?? JOSEPH WIEDERIEN withdrew his candidacy as an independen­t in a House race in Iowa after it became clear to him that he’d been manipulate­d into running.
Photograph­s by Charlie Neibergall Associated Press JOSEPH WIEDERIEN withdrew his candidacy as an independen­t in a House race in Iowa after it became clear to him that he’d been manipulate­d into running.
 ?? ?? WIEDERIEN shows a text exchange with a political operative whom he knew only as “Johnny.”
WIEDERIEN shows a text exchange with a political operative whom he knew only as “Johnny.”

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