Los Angeles Times

Pipeline fire ebbs but still burns near Houston

- By Juan A. Lozano and Sean Murphy Lozano and Murphy write for the Associated Press. and reported from Deer Park and Oklahoma City, respective­ly. AP writers Christophe­r L. Keller in Albuquerqu­e; Valerie Gonzalez in McAllen, Texas; Ken Miller in Oklahoma C

DEER PARK, Texas — A flame that towered over a southeast Houston suburb subsided Tuesday but was still burning after a pipeline explosion that happened when a vehicle drove through a fence along a parking lot and struck an abovegroun­d valve, officials said.

“Progress has been made as first responder crews worked through the night. The fire is significan­tly smaller,” according to a statement from Deer Park. The city said Energy Transfer, the Dallas-based owner of the pipeline, expected the fire to burn itself out later Tuesday.

City officials said police and FBI agents found no preliminar­y evidence to suggest a coordinate­d or terrorist attack, and said it “appears to be an isolated incident,” but they haven’t offered any details on how they came to that conclusion.

Investigat­ors were trying to learn more about the driver of the sport utility vehicle. The car was incinerate­d by the explosion, which scorched the ground across a wide radius, severed nearby power transmissi­on lines, melted playground equipment and ignited nearby homes. More than 24 hours after the explosion, the driver still had not been publicly identified.

The valve, which appears to have been protected by a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire, is located within a long, grassy corridor where high-voltage power lines run. Below the ground run several pipelines. On one side of the corridor is a neighborho­od of homes; on the other is a Walmart. Officials say the driver went through a fence alongside the Walmart parking lot and across the grassy rightof-way before striking the valve.

Officials have not given any informatio­n on the condition of the driver. Deer Park spokespers­on Kaitlyn Bluejacket said four people were injured, but provided no details about the seriousnes­s of the injuries. Authoritie­s said one firefighte­r sustained minor injuries.

The roaring fire shot orange flame and then black smoke hundreds of feet into the air, prompting authoritie­s to evacuate nearly 1,000 homes and order people in nearby schools to shelter in place.

By Tuesday, the city of La Porte said it had slightly reduced the evacuation area south of the fire but did not say how many people were affected.

Operators shut off the flow of natural gas liquids after the explosion rattled homes and businesses in Deer Park and the adjacent suburb of La Porte shortly before 10 a.m. Monday. But Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said 20 miles of pipeline stretched between the two closed valves, and all the chemicals inside had to burn off before the fire would stop.

Robert Hall, a senior advisor at the nonprofit Pipeline Safety Trust, said it’s not surprising that it’s taken more than a day for the material to stop burning.

“You’re talking about 20inch pipelines and miles between valves, so it takes a long time to burn down,” Hall said.

The fire was burning so hot that all firefighte­rs could do was use ladder trucks to hose down nearby houses that began smoking in the radiant heat.

Houston, Texas’ largest city, is the nation’s petrochemi­cal heartland and is home to a cluster of refineries and plants and thousands of miles of pipelines. Explosions and fires are a familiar sight, and some have been deadly, raising recurring questions about industry efforts to protect the public and the environmen­t.

Energy Transfer did not immediatel­y respond Tuesday to a question about what safety precaution­s were in place near their valve.

Energy Transfer and Harris County Pollution Control are conducting air monitoring and have found no health issues, according to Deer Park officials.

The Railroad Commission of Texas, which regulates oil and gas in the state, said Tuesday its safety inspectors will enter the site when it’s safe to do so to begin their investigat­ion.

 ?? Brett Coomer Houston Chronicle ?? A FIREFIGHTE­R directs water toward the fire in La Porte, Texas, on Monday. It began with an explosion after a sport utility vehicle ran into a valve, officials said.
Brett Coomer Houston Chronicle A FIREFIGHTE­R directs water toward the fire in La Porte, Texas, on Monday. It began with an explosion after a sport utility vehicle ran into a valve, officials said.

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