Los Angeles Times



Dear Eric: My 89-year-old mom is a button-wearing lifelong Democrat. She is also afraid of confrontat­ion. My younger sister’s husband, who leans Republican, forwards my mother texts from Fox News and people on X making fun of Democrats. Sometimes she’s so upset she can’t sleep because what he forwards may seem funny to him, but they’re generally either cruel and/or promote misinforma­tion.

She doesn’t think his wife or children know he does this and so she shares her distress with me (I’m in a different time zone). I’ve learned this is triangulat­ing and advise her to find the strength to tell him directly to stop. I’ve told her not to respond to his texts (she used to try to counter with informatio­n) and that she should tell him she’s blocking him unless he stops. At what point is it close enough to bullying that I should become involved?

Distressed Daughter

Dear Daughter: We’re at the point of bullying already and you should intervene. It’s not about politics, it’s about unwanted, prolonged contact.

Your mother is temperamen­tally averse to confrontat­ion and, at 89, is not a digital native so this kind of exchange is completely outside of her wheelhouse. She needs some help.

Reach out to your sister and tell her what’s going on. Does she condone this teasing? They just don’t need to be in contact like this. He may see it as innocuous, or a proportion­al response to your mother’s vocal politics. He needs to hear clearly that it’s not coming across that way.

Dear Eric: Our family attended the wedding of two longtime friends. We were part of a close-knit friend group that saw each other through some difficult times over the years.

Months ago, a mutual friend posted their invitation to our small group chat, assuming that we had all received one too. Except that we hadn’t. This prompted one of the brides to fire off private messages with convoluted explanatio­ns for the “delay” in our invitation­s.

As the day approached, we began receiving logistical messages for the wedding. One of them was peculiar in that the list of recipients was not visible. “Shorts are welcome,” it read, because it was going to be very hot. Our family wore shorts. As we arrived, it became very obvious that no one else had gotten that memo. Not a single pair of shorts or informal attire in sight. The brides greeted us politely but coldly.

Little slights throughout the night continued. We either misjudged these friends for years, or we did something horrible that we are not aware of. Our adult children are of the mind that these people have always been cold users. I am still wondering what in the world I could have done to deserve that kind of treatment. Or better yet, what in my psychologi­cal makeup allowed me to think that people like that were close friends?

Obligatory Guest

Dear Guest: I’m going to write something that is not about you personally — because I don’t know you — so, take it with a grain of salt.

Maybe these so-called friends just find you a little annoying and the animus was mostly unintentio­nal.

Sometimes the camaraderi­e of a large group of friends can have a halo effect, obscuring individual relationsh­ips that aren’t as close. It doesn’t justify being cruel but might explain some of the slights.

One thing is clear: Their communicat­ion at and around the wedding was a mess. Try being direct. Don’t pursue this to the point of obsession. Just get a temperatur­e check from people you trust to help put your mind at ease or alert you to something you’ve missed. Email questions to


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